I get 40% more likes than you for my comments and therefore I write better. Also, the fact that I'm a better writer makes me 23% a better lover because there is definitely causality between the two.
A friend of mine has attended a school in West Virginia and he isn't as great of a writer as I am, so his school teachers and himself are worse lovers than I am.
In conclusion, it is I who should take the blame for being a greater writer and lover and I am by no means the product of the society which educated me.
Since I am not sure what exactly you are saying, I won't respond to it. Sarcasm and humour does not translate well over the internet.
The reason I wrote my comments is because I am using data/context/facts/logic to talk about the real world.
In a vacuum doing the things the poster said makes sense, in reality it doesn't.
The facts are 310,000+ sexual abuses happen to men and women each year, and each year 200,000 women prevent that from happening, while only 1/3 of all americans own guns(about 70million). Guns are used for good/legally 70x to 80x the rate(47x going by Bill Clinton Administration's study) than for bad/illegal purposes.
Poll tax is illegal because people don't have money to pay to vote and it discriminates against poor people, while more minorities are generally poor. Therefore, by putting more taxes on guns, you are directly making it harder for poor people to defend themselves. As we have already established that guns are in the super majority used for good, and that poor people shouldn't be penalized to pay a poll tax(or extra gun tax as the poster implies).
If the facts were the reverse, and showd that guns are used 70x to 80x for bad more than good, I would be aligned with banning guns.
I am aligned to the truth only, doesn't matter what party or who advocates it. The truth is the truth.
You're not concerned about the truth. You have a conservative agenda and are citing statistics that support your position, while ignoring the research and statistics that contradict your position.
“The US makes up less than 5% of the world’s population, but holds 31% of global mass shooters.”
“The US also has by far the highest number of privately owned guns in the world. Estimated in 2007, the number of civilian-owned firearms in the US was 88.8 guns per 100 people, meaning there was almost one privately owned gun per American and more than one per American adult.”
“In 1996, a 28-year-old man walked into a cafe in Port Arthur, Australia, ate lunch, pulled a semiautomatic rifle out of his bag, and opened fire on the crowd, killing 35 people and wounding 23 more. It was the worst mass shooting in Australia’s history.
Australian lawmakers responded with legislation that, among other provisions, banned certain types of firearms, such as automatic and semiautomatic rifles and shotguns. The Australian government confiscated 650,000 of these guns through a gun buyback program, in which it purchased firearms from gun owners. It established a registry of all guns owned in the country and required a permit for all new firearm purchases. (This is much further than bills typically proposed in the US, which almost never make a serious attempt to immediately reduce the number of guns in the country.)
Australia’s firearm homicide rate dropped by about 42 percent in the seven years after the law passed, and its firearm suicide rate fell by 57 percent…”
“While 13 gun massacres (the killing of 4 or more people at one time) occurred in Australia in the 18 years before the [Australia gun control law], resulting in more than one hundred deaths, in the 14 following years (and up to the present), there were no gun massacres.”
“One study of the program, by Australian researchers, found that buying back 3,500 guns per 100,000 people correlated with up to a 50 percent drop in firearm homicides and a 74 percent drop in gun suicides.”
“The US makes up less than 5% of the world’s population, but holds 31% of global mass shooters.”
That is convenient wording that allows you to ignore per-capita statistics of mass shooting showing the USA is not #1 in mass shootings by far.
By comparing global population to US population rather than a statistically accurate per-capita analysis compared by country you create an illusion of extremes while ignoring genuine statistical analysis.
The fact you think this is an argument shows you don't give statistics too much credence yourself.
OK, lay out your counter-argument and cite your statistics with sources. Otherwise, your opinion is just hearsay.
I stated my counter argument. As far as sources, I refer to basic math. My statements are factual, not opinion. Why don't you try actually supporting your original assertion rather than just sprinkling your words with pedantic language to attempt to appear knowledgeable.
In the USA there were roughly 185 million firearms in 1993, with the homicide rate being 7 out of every 100,000.
In 2013 the number was 357 million firearms and the homicide rate dropped to 3.6 out of every 100,000.
We all need to learn what the truth is in this world for us to get along. The corporate elites and leftists and rightists don't want the average every day person to reach across the aisle and be friendly.
I don't have a label.