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RE: Gunshot wound to left arm/shoulder

in #gunshotwound7 years ago

This is just terrible. Why do the police in the US use hollow point ammo? It's prohibited by the Hague Convention of 1899, and banned by other NATO countries - why not in the US? Hollow points are designed to cause the most tissue damage possible, and your x-rays are a perfect example of how effective they are at that. I'm sad to see your arm so damaged. I hope God heals you completely.


And thank you God ws definitely on my side through all of this one shot grazed my skull, my lung collapsed, my spleen ruptured, ribs broke on impact, and arms obviously shattered on impact I would say I’m 85% healed my left arm will need these screws removed soon and my right arm is the real problem my auxiliary nerve was severely damaged and that is the main problem now I don’t have 100% mobility in it right now.

I am not surprised that you had nerve damage, considering the injury I can see in the x-ray. I hope you can get physical therapy. PT does wonders sometimes. OT- occupational therapy - might be helpful for you, as well. You can ask every doctor you see to order these for you. Sometimes « the squeaky wheel gets the grease »

They’re reasoning I believe is they expand in impact so they think if they hit a wall they won’t harm anyone in the other side but later on I will be posting photos and videos of the scene and you will see that’s not the case, and as a matter of fact my P.I believes that these wounds were a result of some shots through a wall and or door.

😮 wow!