Gut Health and Stress

in #guthealth7 years ago

20785969_770871803095141_6420872320334376737_o.jpgAny stressful event will cause digestion to cease. Blood flow is diverted from the digestive organs to the heart and muscles, secretion of saliva and digestive enzymes is slowed, and intestinal contractions and absorption of nutrients stop.
It is interesting to note, however, that even while stress hormones are signaling the body to shut down digestion, these same hormones, when kept elevated for more than a few minutes, are telling us to eat—and eat a lot!

The problems start to occur when a person experiences the repeated cycles of high stress followed by low/normal stress that have become commonplace in our modern society. This sets up the digestive system for total confusion. Most of the time the body won't be able to secrete enough digestive enzymes to properly digest food (producing nausea, constipation, gas, and bloating).

Ways i like to keep a stress free life.

Breath work is a great way to relax the body, mind and nervous system.

Don't over do it, if you feel your self getting sick stop. I no sometimes you are busy and you feel you have no other choice. If you don't stop you will end up sick and your body will make you stop and have time out for longer then you would like to.
Do something good for your self, get a massage, go to a yoga class, get a organic facial, swim in the ocean, have a nap.

Learn how to mange money better, or let go of the attachment to money, so you don't feel you have to over work to pay for everything and you can have more time to do the things you love.

Build good relationships with people you trust, feeling more connected to others is a great stress relief. We all want to feel loved and appreciated.


I think this is part of what happened to me recently. I actually ended up in the ER and had to stay overnight for some heart tests which all came back negtive.

I’m going to write a post detailing my whole experience but let’s just say the stress of losing my husband coupled with the physical stress I added by my diet blew up on me. I’m going to take your advice and do something good for myself.

I just have studied holistic life coaching mind body connection and we learn a lot about stress and the affects on the body.
Loosing a loved one can have so many stress affects on the body, impact your well being. Way more then we understand sometimes.
It goes way beyond, what medical test can pick up.

Stress can cause some of the biggest gut health issues, until this is sorted its hard to find balance.
As i have been though rebuilding my gut, it doesn't take weeks it took me about a year to really get it back into balance.
I completely under stand, just wanting to feel like you are back to normal again and wonder if its ever going to end.
It does take a lot of effort, working though the emotional state, the physical body, your whole being to bring back good balance. It is so possible to do this.
I remember no one could tell me what was wrong and one day i walked into Robs offie and he was the first person to tell me he knew what was wrong he could help me and i can fix this.
From that day on what he told me to do i done.
So its defiantly possible to get back to good health and along the way you get to learn so much about your own self, it really can be a blessing.
Enjoy doing something nice for your self today. I would love to hear what you do :-)
Please if you need any help or someone to talk to. I am here. :-)