5 Things Guys Wish Girls Knew - Part 1

in #guys8 years ago

There are things about women that men will never understand. But when it comes to decoding your man, it may be easier than you think. From what they mean when they ask for more space, to how to argue fairly, these are 10 things guys wish girls knew.


   You might be surprised, but it actually takes a lot of courage for a guy to make the first move. Men have a real fear for rejection, especially if they really like the girl. Many man would love for a girl to make the first move, and show that she is actually interested. This is not only great for a guy's ego, but the chances of him saying yes are high, because he understands and respects how much guts it takes to ask someone out.


  It's no surprise men need their space, they tell women this all the time. The problem is, most of the time, girls take it the wrong way. When a guy says he wants space, your first reaction is usually to cling on to them as if you've done something wrong. This completely backfires. He dosen't mean anything personal, guys just need time and space so they can miss you. So if your guy say's he needs space, give it to him, chances are he is just going through something, or wants some alone time.


  Whether it's choosing where to eat, or intiating sex, men find themselves always having to call the shots. This can get very boring, and sometimes they want a woman who can take control. It's sexy when a woman knows what she wants, and it's even sexier in the bedroom.  Showing a guy that you are a woman  in control shows that you have opinions and when you are the one to intiate sexy time, it will give a much needed boost to his ego.


  Making a girl cry is a guy's worst nightmare, and it's something that all women know. Many times women will cry in an argument, even if it dosen't warrant such an emotional response. When unwarranted crying happens, men feel like they are being blackmailed. Of course there are times that he will feel bad if he did something to hurt you. When that isn't the case, they will stop the argument just to make you stop crying, but that dosen't mean the argument is over in their minds.


  Though may not seem like it, guys are always thinking about the future, just not the same way you are. There are many things men want to accomplish before they can even begin to forever with you. From financial stability, to being where they want in their careers, men want to make sure they have the security to take care of a wife and family. Though he may not tell you this, men are always working to obtain these mental milestones so they can get to the fun stuff. Like planning  a life and family with you.

- End of part 1 -