Vaginal dryness is particularly common after menopause and affects women aged 51 to 60 years, according to an article by Women’s Health Concern. But, 17% women, between 18 and 50 years, experience dryness during intercourse, much before menopause sets in.
Irritation and itchiness in the genitals are often overlooked by women. Not seeking treatment can cause serious medical complications in the future. Let us look at the reasons for the condition and treatment methods suggested by the best gynaecologist in Delhi. This will encourage you to take the first step towards treating vaginal dryness.
Causes of Vaginal Dryness
The vaginal wall is coated with a thin moisture layer. This keeps the vagina from getting dehydrated. When there is a dip in estrogen levels, the tissues are not well lubricated. As you age, hormonal changes can also cause the walls to thin. This means only a few cells are left to produce moisture. This leads to dryness and flakiness in the labia.
Depression, childbirth, severe stress, breastfeeding, smoking, impaired immune system, excessive physical strain, cancer treatments and ovary removal can also lead to estrogen levels dropping below normal. Medicines to cure allergy and asthma often dry out your body, which means the vagina can be affected too.
Apart from the medical reasons, there are several external factors that can contribute to dryness. Douches, lotions, soaps and certain vaginal products can disrupt the pH level in the labia and clitoris. Lastly, low sexual activity can lead to dryness and it can worsen with time.
Treatment of Vaginal Dryness
The best gynaecologist in Delhi will prescribe treatments according to your condition, such as:
1. Creams
Estrogen loaded creams are directly applied to the dry area. There are zero side effects and these creams are usually well tolerated. Creams are particularly effective because they are not absorbed, unlike pills.
2. Tablets
Estrogen vaginal tablets are prescribed to help fight the dryness and keep the area hydrated. You are required to use an applicator to put the tablet into the vagina. It can significantly relieve burning sensations.
3. Lubricants
To make sex less painful and remove dryness, water soluble lubricants can work wonders. These are great for delicate vaginal skin and are more effective than oil-based ones.
4. Moisturizers
Doctors mostly recommend vaginal moisturizers that can be applied either every day or on alternate days. Rashes caused due to dryness can also be relieved to some extent with regular application.
Apart from these, you can also try natural remedies at home. Coconut oil has soothing effects and can be used to treat the condition. Avoid synthetic underwear and switch to cotton ones. These do not prevent airflow and let the vagina “breathe” easily. Include food containing phytoestrogens to increase the estrogen levels in the body. Lastly, consider sexual intercourse at least 3-4 times a week.
Vaginal dryness is a common disorder and you are not alone. By taking adequate measures, it can be cured completely.