In medicine, there are several types of ovarian cysts:
- Functional. They appear at some stage of life and can be treated with hormonal drugs.
- Organic. More dangerous. They are not amenable to rapid treatment. These include:
Dermoid. The development process is slow, small in size. It is a mucoid mass with particles of embryonic tissue (cartilage, skin, fat).
Endometrioid. It is usually dark in color, like blood. Its growth provokes the formation of the inner layer of the mucosa on the walls of the uterus.
Yellow body cyst. Refers to the first type. Its name is for the color of the shell. The walls are dense. Despite the fact that the contents of the cyst are light, a bloody liquid flows out during a hemorrhage.
Follicular. Thin walls, the surface is smooth.
Regardless of the type of ovarian cyst in your case, one should remember about it and observe a small precautionary rule - it is better to avoid hot baths. The fact is that from the temperature drops or from the banal heating of the body, the cyst can burst. This can lead to a violation of the integrity of the ovary and as a consequence - internal bleeding and surgery.
The causes of cyst formation: congenital pathology, hormonal failure, inflammation of the ovaries as a consequence of over-cooling, infectious diseases or abortions.
Methods of treatment:
- Hormonal medications.
- Surgical intervention.
The course of treatment is prescribed after examination of ultrasound and blood tests for sex hormones.
Why it is necessary to treat ovarian cysts:
- Some types of cysts can lead to cancer.
- In case of infertility.
At the same time, there are cysts that live happily in the body for a long time and their presence does not threaten any consequences for the woman.
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