Importance of Good Sleep

in #habits3 years ago


Many side effects can arise from the lack of getting good sleep on a nightly basis. The lack of good sleep can alter the cognative ability of a person throughout the day. Good sleep is critical for mental claritiy, rejuvenation, and physical recovery.

If you are not getting enough sleep each night, a number of mental and physical medical issues will arrise eventually. If you experience poor sleep, the brain will release toxins into the blood stream. These toxins can be the root cause for cancer, heart diseases, obesity/overweight, and other medical conditions that are extremely difficult to treat.

Poor sleep can make you feel very lethargic and emotional throughout the day. It can also make you more sensitive to stress and anxiety. While the amount of sleep a person needs varies based on several factors, most people need at least 8 hours of healthy sleep.

Effective Ways to Achieve a Good Quality of Nightly Sleep

There are many factors that can impact a person's quality of sleep each night. One of the most important factors is comfort level. Sleeping in an environment with a lot of lights can cause a lot of interuptions in a good nights sleep. Loud environments have a significant impact on the quality of sleep. For example, having a bedroom next to a busy highway will have an impact on overall sleep.

It is important to think about the environment you are sleeping strategically. Remove as much light and sound pollution as possible from your bed. Even the small LEDs that light up from electrons can have an impact. Install curtains that block out light from the outside is a great investment for improving quality of sleep.

The use of smart phones and tablets in the bedroom can have an impact on the quality of sleep. Exposure to the light from portable electronics, even for a few minutes, right before bedtime can have a drastic impact on overall sleep. Try to replace eletronic usage an hour before with reading a book.

The food that eaten right before bed can also have an impact on the quality of sleep. Over eating or heavy meals right before bed can prevent the brain from going into a deep sleep. If possible, fast a couple hours before bed. Not only will it improve sleep but it will also improve your wasit line.

Relaxation right before sleep is also extremely important. For most people, when laying down in bed their minds are racing with thoughts of the day or what needs to be accomplished tomorrow. For me personally, I meditate 30 minutes each night before falling asleep. Feel free to try it for 30 days and you will notice an improvement on your overall health.!