Living in America as a kid I found it strange when people let their dogs pee and poop in their yard. Running around barefoot I was always on the side of caution not to step in any. Some of the yards were just disgusting as people wouldn't clean it up for a week or so. These were normal well-paid middle class Americans, but when it came to dogs few walked them, or even cared. In Germany everyone takes their dog to the nearest field, forest, or park.
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Yeah, I get what you mean. I live bare-foot from Feb to Nov in the UK if I can, and always careful where I step. But we walk Cobie to local parks and woods every day - and she gets a village walk most mornings too, but you can't always time that around her meals - so when she's gotta go, she's gotta go! haha... least this way we can still enjoy a lawn AND enjoy our dog (who we're very smitten with!)