Hacken Report, Winter 2018

in #hacken7 years ago (edited)


Winter 2018 was full of remarkable events and purposeful moves for Hacken. We fondly recollect organizing the cybersecurity cybersecurity discussion panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos where the humanoid robot Sophia Hanson was one of the panel’s speakers. Either how our CEO Dmytro Budorin spoke on “The Blockchain Revolution”. Apart from these occasions, Hacken worked diligently on the transforming from an ICO startup into a trustworthy cybersecurity organization. Let’s look at the details.

New Clients
Currently, our security products have been employed by 16 companies operating in both the crypto and IT industries. Our services are represented in 8 countries worldwide. At present, we are in negotiations with 6 new clients who will be announced soon.

Hacken Team
12 new members joined our hardworking team. Furthermore, we want to recruit some more smart contract auditors and technical writers. Please send your CV and Cover Letters to [email protected] or emails mentioned in the description above.

Future Plans
Soon we are going to release HackenProof, our tokenized bug bounty platform, where the automatic exchange of our cryptocurrency will be possible. In the meantime, Hacken will announce the date when we will place HKN buy orders on current price in the amount of $174 thousand on KuCoin.

In our Medium blog, you can find more details concerning the above-mentioned points as well as bug-bounty statistics and revenue information.

Thank you for your support and belief in Hacken!
Stay tuned!

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Hacken (HKN - current market cap is ~16m USD) is offering a very unique product to the crypto world, which is much better than Quantstamp (QSP - current market cap is ~160m USD) in terms of functionality and readiness of the product.

Just by comparing these two based on market cap, one can argue that HKN has more than 10x potential to grow in a very short time. Mid-to-long term, their coin burning model (15% of revenue will burned in terms of token - number of circulationg tokens will diminish over time) is going to help the token price grow over time.

Putting its potential aside, I am more interested in their already working services. In March they are going to open a marketplace (HackenProof - penetration testing and vulnarebility testing) for bug hunters where you can hire White Hat Hackers (the good guys:) ) to test any website or any software platform against malware and potential hacking attemps. If you pass their audit, it means you are good to go, but also don't forget that you need to conduct these tests regulary. It is never a one time job!

more on the road map can be found here => https://hacken.io/#roadmap

You said everything right, thank you for the quick review on what we are doing :)

BTW, HackenProof, our bug bounty platform, has already been launched and now operates at full
check it here https://hackenproof.com/

The White Paper describing the burning principle is also in progress. Soon we will tell you all the details!!!

Have you joined our Telegram Group? https://t.me/hacken_en