OK, so shortly after I wrote the above, I was obliged to inform my lying, cheating boss that I was invoking my "fuck you" money and implementing its eponymous strategy. I liquidated my entire material life, and left the country.
Point being, this process consumed most of my time and I have not worked on my self-education in "hacking."
Since then, I have set myself up on an island and am now ready to work on my training. In the meantime, I stumbled across this training package at https://deals.thehackernews.com/sales/it-hacking-bundle which at $39 I could not turn down: "Ethical Hacking A to Z Bundle - Break Into the Lucrative World of Ethical Hacking with Over 45 Hours of Immersive Content"
Normally, I like to follow the dictum, "show, don't tell." But will make an exception in this case. The training is work that I plan to do in the coming weeks.