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RE: o well, hackernoon, right ? that's SOOoooo medium ...

in #hacking6 years ago

yeah he's new to old stuff, you know if you leave the doors an windows open the monkeys will get in :))) so now the old deathtocaptcha's not worth anything lol:)


nice and sorted eyes on the tyrnannoght game btw .. it picks from a list so the accounts who have something to do with will show a different colour ... like a proto-support-desk interface to not miss much heh ... the gods invented computers so i could get over my dysfunctional organization skills ... and according to Mark Twain "war so the americans could learn geography :p)


always fun slapping people around with their own people ... Twain is quite up my alley , and so is Oliver Stone actually ...

:) ... a waste of sbi shares if i dont ... apparently they can't be re-located so i'm stuck with accounts with shares sitting there ... in the end if this goes daily for the confirmation codes for @tyrnannoght it wont be worth much anyway ... i probably wouldnt even post on @rudyardcatling anymore if it werent for those thing, or maybe when i get enough sbd to promote it at least a little, otherwise it's just creativity in the void, as usual here

i havent checked the price lately but the way things are going it looks like its gonna be a hackerspace soon enough where hobbyists run wild b/c its nice and hackable (people always take that word for the hollywood indoctrinated sense i.o. the actual meaning 'creative use of resources' ...)


(i just need sendmail to work with it ... way better than notifications system ...)

I mean c'mon, even Kevin Mitnick 'is not a hacker' ... so if HE says so, ... :) ... the dude is still quite active i followed him on fudbook before i totally deleted the account , much wisdom to be gained, but as for the technicals those people are way above my brainlevel lol .. i just like the
"creative use of resources" bit as opposed to "GOOD CONTENT IS WRITING ABOUT BITCOIN AND HOW YOU NEED MONEY TO SAVE THE WHALE!" they got going on in some places who's name we shall not mention