Who is the most wanted cybercriminal of all time?

in #hacking5 years ago

The most wanted russian hacker

With charges of bank fraud, money laundering, computer fraud, misrepresentation and conspiracy. Evgeniy Mikhailovich Bogachev or better known as "slavic" became the most wanted FBI hacker of all time.

However, throughout his career Slavic looted several banks, stole countless bank accounts and practiced virtual robberies on a global scale.

At 33 years old “slavic” or otherwise known as “lucky12345” hides in a small town in Russia called Anapa. However despite being on the FBI's most wanted list , Slavic lives his life normally and is reportedly protected by the Russian government .

Still in Barack Obama's administration, "slavic" was accused of participating in the Kremlin-orchestrated hacking attack to undermine Clinton's election campaign.

Slavic and the Creation of the Cryptocker Computer Virus

Certainly, Evgeniy has become a reference when it comes to cybercrime, his technical ability has led him to create the famous Cryptolocker computer virus , which yielded slavic in just 2 months $ 27 million . In this attack more than 234,000 computers around the world were infected.

His masterpiece the ZEUS Banking Trojan

So since 2009 the FBI has been investigating the actions of "slavic" , being accused of being the creator of the world's most sophisticated banking trojan "ZEUS".

"Slavic" would have created the first version of the "ZEUS" trojan in 2006 at the age of 22, since then he has been modifying and refining the code of his masterpiece until he reaches his most infamous version of "Game Over . "

However the trojan in addition to stealing victims' bank details was able to “enslave” the infected computer into part of a huge botnet that was used to commit other cybercrime.

ZEUS Banking's Trojan botnet was the most sophisticated ever faced by the FBI, containing up to 1 million infected computers. It was a real challenge for the task force tasked with destroying the Slavic botnet.

About 25% of the infected computers were of American origin , even military and high-ranking members of the government were infected, the "ZEUS" botnet made approximately $ 100 million in profits.

Only in 2014 was the international task force able to destroy the botnet created by slavic but the FBI's most wanted hacker went unpunished.

Slavic's involvement with the Kremlin

It is rumored that the Kremlin employs hackers to conduct global attacks for political and military purposes, this information has always been denied by Russia.

In a report, the FBI reported that “slavic” acts as commander of a Russian government spying unit , although these charges are old. The Kremlin has always publicly denied that it employs cyber criminals but there is strong evidence that this is indeed true.

In the attack on the US elections there is evidence that "slavic" had participated in some way, but the FBI does not reveal much detail about the case.

The evolution of the ZEUS Banking Trojan shows that in addition to stealing bank data, it has begun to seek sensitive information from specific targets linked to governments and military sectors.

Proof of this was the use of the "slavic" botnet in Russia's invasion of Crimea, where "slavic" sought information from victims of Ukraine to favor Russia.

FBI's Most Wanted Hacker Lives a Peaceful Life

Far from the US, "slavic" lives a quiet and luxurious life, and he is reported to enjoy sailing the Black Sea. He owns several luxury cars spread across Europe and travels freely using one of his three passports.

Slavic also likes cats, his pet is a cane cat, he is married and has a daughter.

Surprisingly even with all this information the US government can do nothing and Slavic the FBI's most wanted hacker remains free, light and loose.