Just like the little bitch you are!
Got ya!!!
Vote| @lyndsaybowes | -5%21:39
Vote| @lyndsaybowes | -5%21:39
Vote| @lyndsaybowes | -5%21:38
Vote| @lyndsaybowes | -5%21:38
Vote| @lyndsaybowes | -100%20:57
Vote| @berniesanders | -5%20:50
Vote| @berniesanders | -5%20:50
Vote| @berniesanders | -5%20:49
Vote| @berniesanders | -5%20:49
Vote| @berniesanders | -5%20:49
Vote| @berniesanders | -5%20:49
Vote| @berniesanders | -19%20:49
Vote| @berniesanders | -6%20:49
Vote| @berniesanders | -6%20:49
Vote| @berniesanders | -36%20:48
Vote| @berniesanders | -13%20:48
Vote| @lyndsaybowes | -100%20:45
Vote| @flagawhale | -100%17:50
Vote| @acavetrollquest | -100%17:50
Vote| @acavetrollquest | -65%17:49
Vote| @flagawhale | -57%17:48
Vote| @acavetrollquest | -90%17:48
Vote| @hendrix22 | -100%17:48
Vote| @acavetrollquest | -56%17:48
Vote| @public-eye | -100%17:39
Vote| @abusereports | -87%17:00
Vote| @public-eye | -100%16:59
Vote| @berniesanders | -47%16:58
Vote| @berniesanders | -57%16:58
Vote| @berniesanders | -44%16:58
Vote| @berniesanders | -100%16:56
Vote| @berniesanders | -100%
하지만 지금은 내가 편지 H 조 숨어 있어 이후
thanks to haejin for the flag and you for this list. This makes it very easy for us to upvote and follow all those accounts and support the movement. #easygame
bambambam banging em out
What is the matter with heijen.
Many people talk about him
what is his problem? does he own the platform or it is a personal beef with you? i think it will be good riddance for him if he leaves soonest
Hi Mr. @berniesanders, You have a message from your advertising agency.
I will be on my desk if you need anything else.
Thank You
Hi Mr. @berniesanders, You have a message.
I will be on my desk if you need anything else.
Thank You
I ask which is worse:
Having 13 of your own accounts which auto-upvote you for $6 - $15 bucks
Having a single account which auto-upvotes you for $200 - $400 bucks.
I know you won't answer me, but I ask those who read after me to make that choice for yourselves. Also, bring up both of their steemworld pages and compare. These will include all of their upvotes whether from bots or otherwise. Go near the end of the page and hit "refresh" under "coming author rewards" (Which includes all posts and comments). Look at the data and compare which one do you think is the greater threat to the reward pool.
https://steemworld.org/@haejin https://steemworld.org/@berniesanders
For those who won't click on the link, I'll save you the trip.
Haejin =
Bernie =
Holy fuck, that's the funniest Haejin meme I have seen yet! :))
You can tip your hat to @hendrix22 <3