I completely support @dan's work in this, but I can't help but feel like it's such a waste of voting power to use it toward downvoting. That just sucks.
Btw, does anyone know where that money goes then when someone uses it to downvote? I have always been curious. Perhaps that's a dumb question, but does it just recirculate then since it's not technically going to anyone?
The answer to your question has been given above in the comments.
I hope this helps
It goes back to the pool.
It actually never leaves.
Heres how it works. Lets say you, me, and bernie each have some money. You have 300, i have 200 and bernie has 500. All that money together gains interest (really inflation, but interest is easier to understand). It creates 100 per day. Now, that 100 is distributed via votes. You me and bernie are supposed to vote on who does the best work. Our votes are weighted according to the amount of money we brought. So a vote from you would be worth more than a vote from me. There is a voting period for each work that is done. Rewards aren't given until after that period is over. After a while, we notice that Bernie only votes for himself even though his work is clearly not the best. Luckily, we also have negative voting. So you and i join forces to negate his voting abuse in hopes that he will see the err in his ways and stop. Until then, at least the pool will be available to pay other works.
I gotcha. Thanks for the reply!