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RE: Haejin's Original Intent as a Technical Analyst: Help & Do No Harm Remains Unchanged

in #haejin6 years ago

Left behind? That's you old man. You being a dishonest asshole doesn't mean anyone who speaks out against is you a troll. Get the fuck on your way. We don't need your STEEM analysis Mr.Gonna Sell and Bail ASAP. You call yourself a business man, but get butt hurt about being someone's elder when you get called out on being terrible at following instructions...real business like...fucking pulling that stupid shit. "In Korea...blah blah blah" - This ain't Korea, and that was business, not some Elder respect shit....that's why your "business" now is lower than it's ever been...because you're on some Ego trip from hell. Megalomaniac playing the good guy, when everyone sees through your thin skin, even with all fat trying to block the view.

Anyone who thinks this moron (seriously the dumbest smart person I've ever met) has changed his ways at all is a fool. What has he ever done that is successful around here? Killed project after project....oh yeah, on purpose...Now he's lucky he's got a website or he would have to deal with this reality in the same angry way he wants to but is resisting.

Hey Old Fart.....sign ups are at an all time low.....what happened? Seems like that started happening right around the time I told you to go fuck yourself.



Oh my. Away from Steem for two years and I come back to see that there is all kind of drama up in this $^#&*. What the heck!!! I didnt have to watch the Young & the Restless today. Just needed to read Steem posts. My goodness. I was curious to see why @Haejin was ranked #1. Now I see why.