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in #haejin7 years ago (edited)

@BERNIESANDERS I wish I could see your face the morning you wake up and ALL YOUR POST ARE AT $0 LMAO Just so you know I'll be laughing my ass off! YOU may have gotten away with this for a long time but you met your match and I WILL DESTROY YOUR POST if don't back off and reverse the flags. ONCE I ZERO OUT YOUR POST I WONT CHANGE THEM BACK EVER! I ALSO WONT EVER STOP! SO YOU BETTER MAKE YOUR MIND UP FAST! Cause I paid my programmer very well to get this done FAST!!! JUST THINK OF ALL THAT MONEY YOUR BE MISSING OUT ON WHEN HAEJIN BRINGS 30000 MORE PEOPLE TO THIS WEBSITE.... IS IT REALLLLLY WORTH IT LOL @BERNIESANDERS