#Haejinality vs. Reality.
In continuing the series I started here:
Based on the idea by @just2random whom did some excellent coverage on the previous BTC calls of @haejin here:
I am now reviewing the XRP calls made by @haejin for accuracy
In all fairness I will start at the oldest first and work from there.
Record Bull Market
Around December 12th,2017 XRP (Ripple) was .74 cents, @Haejin Called XRP to be $1.33 by March of 2018.
His target was exceeded with XRP reaching an all time high of $3.30 on January 4th of 2018 with a closing price of $2.73 before crashing to a low of .67 cents on February 2nd. As we have yet to reach March, I cannot say whether his ultimate target will or will not be correct. I can only judge the shorter range targets he set in his analysis; which he met in this instance.
Haejenality: XRP to be $1.33 by March of 2018.
Reality: XRP reaching an all time high of $3.30 on January 4th of 2018 with a closing price of $2.73 before crashing to a low of .67 cents on February 2nd.
Other factors: BTC was trading around $14000 at the time and this call was made; over the next week BTC would gain 30% to reach an all time high of $19,891 on December 17th. As we all know BTC began to crash at this point and would lose approximately 50% of its value to a low of $10,200 on December 22nd.
Opinion: Had you of purchased XVG at the time @haejin made the call and sold at the close of 2.73 on January 4th you would have made 368%. However, as the view on BTC and cryptocurrency was still extraordinarily bullish at the time of the call and for a number of weeks following, pretty much every other ALT coin experienced explosive price growth as well. In fact even though BTC was already a couple weeks into this correction and down nearly 30 percent from its high $19,891 on December 17th the market did not peak until January 7th of 2018. So this again was more the result of overall market sentiment toward cryptocurrency and not a miraculous call as you could of picked any number of ALTS and made extraordinarily high returns.
And then the BEAR comes to town.
On January 7th XVG was 2.70 Cents and @haijin called XRP to hit $3.56 before February and $4.11 sometime in late March; 309% more bullish than his original March call on December 12th, 2017. Again as we have yet to reach March, I cannot say whether his ultimate target will or will not be correct. I can only judge the shorter range targets he set in his analysis; which at this point seems to be failing in spectacular fashion.
Haejenality: XRP to hit $3.56 before February and $4.11 sometime in late March according to his chart diagram and wave overlay.
Reality: The following day XRP would shed 31% of its value to a low of $1.91 and would essentially lose each and every day thereafter reaching a low of .67 cents on February 2nd. Current price .83 cents.
Other factors: BTC was obviously deep into its corrective period at this time having already hit a low of $10,200 and failing to reach within 14% of its previous high. On the day of this call, BTC was actually selling off and lost 7% having opened at $17,100 and closed at $16,200.
Opinion: Can’t hit the curve, nonsensical call for higher highs on an ALT coin going against the greater trend of the crypto market. If you would of purchased XRP at the time of the call $2.70 and HODLED through it all you would of lost 76% to date. If you would have bought BTC and HODLED you would of lost 51%. Objectively you would have lost 25% less simply HODLING BTC than purchasing on his recommendation.
@haejin can pick a winner during a record breaking bull market in which the entire market cap of Cryptocurrencies went up 500% or more; in a corrective phase or bear market he can’t bunt the ball over home plate. Accordingly my magic 8 ball could have likely done just as well as him during the Bull Market time frame.
Additional info: I just love this part from the above call by @haejin..
"The below is XRP/BTC price chart. One of the most important skill any Technical Analyst can develop is called Forward Discernment. An ability to see partially completed patterns and conceptually visualize it. This is vital to be able to effectively gain market call accuracies above 75%. Most analysts have difficulty in this area but it can be a learned technique. For the below chart, forward discernment shows an a,b,c,d,e triangle. This now provides greater awareness in the probable price pathway and this is good, because awareness keeps the panic away! I'm projecting 26,055 Satoshi as the next target step!"
--Apparently his "Forward Discernment" needs a bit of work?
We shall See

0 for 3 so far since January
- REDDCOIN 75% LOSS IN 2018-https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@pawsdog/haejinality-vs-reality-rdd-review
- VERGE 76% LOSS IN 2018- https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@pawsdog/haejinality-vs-reality-xvg-review

I will just repeat here my comment made in another Haejin related, just resteemed by me, post.
This is sad. Here on Steemit we have so many great authors with top, informative crypto posts, yet all those posts are kind of hidden...
When we click on the trending tag 'altcoin' this is what we get:
Writing a well researched, informative and valuable article is a time-consuming task and the high volume of Hayjin's, hastily made predictions, practically makes such an article invisible in searches...
Hayjin's strength is not in the quality of his posts but in their quantity, and I just wish that new Steemian searching for a trading advice will realize that sooner than I did...
Yes this is total madness this dude is making tons of money with his TA posts and we can't do nothing about it. The problem is in the system of steemit and he found a trick to use it for his advantage.
I am for very long into crypto and I don't trust TA for me the best is to read the white papers and follow the project see what the devs are writing and how the coin performs.
If I would be an investor and I see the trending page on steemit I would not invest it is shocking what for crap is on it. Anyway I have the feeling that the Winklevoss Twins will in the future come up with a new and really great social media platform which will put all social media platforms in the shadow. I really love it here on steemit but there is a lot crap going on sometimes I fell like it's a big kindergarten.
I've read too much tonight, my voting power is down, still, I couldn't help to not upvote, for I love your reply and I am grateful for your visit here. It is a total madness!! And grrr, I am still participating in it...
Thank you I very much appreciate it.
The best is and that is what I am doing just do your own thing and don't look at these madness look for the good things happen here on steemit there are a lot of small fishes who put out a lot of good information.
What I don't understand is that a lot of the small fishes upvoting the whales post even they are not good posts like crazy. For me it is like don't make the rich richer but many of the people in the world are not awake sad but true.
Agree 100% again, it's best to do our own things and do not put our focus on the madness. Everything we concentrate on, both the good and the bad, grows bigger.
And as to those small fishes, some are upvoting mainly for the curation rewards, some are using the curation bots and do not care where their upvotes go to, as long as they bring back the highest returns. Those curation bots are doing some serious disservice, but this is only my opinion.
Yes he is pretty much a rapid fire rewards pool raping spammer..
____ coin will go up current time in Morocco percentage by next full moon after major holiday!!!
Pretty much, don't forget rope in a bunch of lemmings by using a magic 8 ball to make calls during a ridiculous bull market.. and then use overall market sentiment to sell your bullshit as having been miraculous calls..
3)Either have a giant shill whale account and upvote yourself as another user (note rancho speaks Korean as well) interesting..
3)Have a whale you somehow subsidize outside the platform continually upvote you over and over..
Let's not forget that he gets 10k $ in rewards IN A DAY. for throwing darts :D
Very true and missing as well..
This gives me an idea for a future post, thanks. I'm gonna have fun with this one but it's going to take a while to set it up. I gotta find a dart board.
I am sorry, but it looks like our logic and good intentions do not stand a chance with downvoting bots, power struggle and everything else going between those two powerful in SteemPower sides.
I just commented on my resteemed 26 days ago Haejin's Metal Prediction post:
My comment got flagged immediatly with this reply to me:

That was more than likely done by his flagging bot, for @
[-]berniesanders is too big, too powerful to engage in community comments... That did not happen to me the first time, my comments were flagged many times and... silly me, I am still commenting, still trying to say what I think.
Censor less free blogging platform is a beautiful thing; I wonder if it will sustain itself without some basic rules and regulations... I wonder if the majority of people here will stand up for that challenge and win.
He is flagging every comment made on an @haejin post.. so it was not personal.. he is actually doing the right thing.. in order to destroy the army you attack the farmers that grow the wheat to feed the army. Haejin is his own army and his followers whom comment his blog are the farmers.. just don't comment on his posts and you should be fine.. the goal of bernie is to turn haejins blog into crickets by making people afraid to comment on his posts.. Its a tough way to do things but is actually the right way at this point to crush his supporters and remove the parasite from the platform..
I am not sure if autobots flagging is the right thing to do. It discourages and hurts many new, neutral, standby members and it prevents any meaningful discussion under such posts. Bernies is not only flagging Haejin supporters, he is flagging anyone who posts there any kind of a comment.
In the case of my comment, I wanted to fix my previous error and why I should be discouraged from doing that? I have that Haejin post in my own feed, I wanted the people who read me to know that adding it there was a mistake, that I do not trust his prognosis any more.
Also, how one can reach Haejin's supporters and influence them to stop following him, faster and better than by commenting on his posts and proving that his analysis is flawed...
Look, you are trying to do something, but your post only got till now 20 votes and 99 views, Heayin's latest post from 5 h ago got already 221 votes and 1,645 views, do you see my point?
And as to scarring away Haejin's farmers, it depends on the farmers, for some such flags do just the opposite, I know they did for me. I spent one night reporting to SteemitCleaners KIMJONGPOO and rewardpoolrape for spamming comments ;-)
I did not say it was fair, but I don't see any other way for bernie sanders to go after haejin as his rep and Sp are so high now.. the only way he can silence him is to hurt his followers.. I did not say it was nice.. but strategically, it is the right move..silence his followers then it is only rancho upvoting him and it becomes apparent what he is doing..
I am still not convinced it is. There are more farmers out there who while seeing those flags reacts like I did: http://prntscr.com/ia6i9q (was taken from the comments from this post: https://steemit.com/steemit/@worstcritic/a-destructive-steemit-user-we-need-to-stand-against
I got a new follower and I was looking at his feed and found that post resteemed by him.
Oh, and as to the rewards pool, such username as rewardpoolrape makes a joke from it... It is not nice, even with the best of intentions...
Really? I was with you until you went all SJW on me.. it's a term, its actually grammatically correct and gets the point across.. Not every definition of the word has a sexual connection.. :
Merrium Webster dictionary
Number 1 is of course the sexual definition, but the others are just as valid..
gerund or present participle: despoiling
steal or violently remove valuable or attractive possessions from; plunder.
"the church was despoiled of its marble wall covering"
synonyms: plunder, pillage, rob, ravage, raid, ransack, rape, loot, sack; More
Would you rather #rewardspooldespoiling
@pawsdog I respect what you are doing here but you cannot lose 337%. You cannot lose more than 100%, unless you are on margin and lose all the money you put in and owe even more money.
Ripple might be down 65+% in 2018. It cannot be down more than 100%, which would be going to zero from whatever price.
whoops.. lol..was in a hurry and went backwards on that, was thinking returns to the good.. fixed.. good catch.. trying to write these fast, trade, etc.. oversight.. has been fixed.. So each trader only lost .75 cents on each dollar per his recommendations.. :)
Easy mistake to make! I see you have re-done all the math - well done on a quick fix!
No problem and thank you for catching that.. as a dude that trades every single day of his life you would of thought I would of caught that.. lol.. It happens...
Seems like you finally found the winning recipe ;)
how so?
fight against a common enemy!
true, but not sure if it is winning or not.. lol
My vote has no power but I jut want to upvote you.
Love your rants, @pawsdog :P
Thanks... :)
Thank you for spreading the truth!
I gave you an upvote!
I'm not yet strong, but people are upvoting me to increase my power, with the combined efforts of many members of this community who realized Haejin cannot remain on Steemit, we may drive his rewards to 0.00$, where they should be
I hope we win this WAR
I agree, I think he is pretty much a scumbag piece of shit at this point..
Nice thinking bro
I'll take it... thanks for the thought...:)
You welcome bro
I think sbd price will go to cents if this shit goes on , shocking to see sweetssj raping the platform which made her famous .
This shows how greedy ,piece of shit we humans are .
Yeah I agree, this platform is pretty much doomed it looks like, wish I would of joined in 2016 so I could of raped my share... lol