[Tickled Pink]
faded birds in the brambles
Tuesday ... tickled pink

Those shrimp loving, pink birds with the preposterous long necks are following me everywhere. This guy was spying on me, somewhat coyly, if you ask me, from the shelves of our local dollar store. The birds above were featured in this year's Stanley Park Easter Train. Even when I washed out the shot for #monochromemonday, which is hosted by the incomparable @old-guy-photos, the squawkers refused to lose the sunburn. Good thing because without the rosy glow, they'd not be swans or geese. Just hungry.
Did you know there was a flamingo flower? I found this shot of a purple flamingo flower in the creative commons. I monochromed it for you. (Yes, I made up a word) A flamingo, they say. Funny I don't see the resemblance.
All photos unless otherwise noted are my own.
Yeah when I was growing up as a kid, I think there was a law that demanded you must have at least one of those pink flamingos in your lawn LOL! There was even a cheap eats kind of place that I loved called the Pink Flamingo... Nice memories there, I miss it.
Ha haa. Like the law from my home town, "No Driving While Wearing Your Swimsuit". I have a couple of cement yard flamingos from the 50's, and pink, that came from Florida. Never put them in the front yard though, as they would no doubt disappear at night. Classic boids.
You know, I think they would:)But don't look at me:)
The good old days for sure. There may be a few more memories in the offering:)
Wow 🔥 Awesome flamingoes !
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you, som7thing:) Glad you enjoyed:)
I have one in my yard! : )
HI Ross. Proof must be supplied. Photo please:)
Here ya go!
My son really loved this. Me too. Thanks, Ross:)
Hi! You're welcome.I'm glad you liked it :)
OK first I thinkI was the worse rule breaker LOL
I like your first shot and gad you kept some color in there :) it is such a cool shot
Thanks, Jay. The worse rulebreaker ... @old-guy-photos can be the judge:)
Yes let’s make it his call :)
@tattoodjay and @prydefoltz
Being as the Old Guy is not a stickler for the
rulesI like both of yours and love to see the idea played with!!!!! ;)Lol nice sidestep and fence sitting so we shall call it a draw
Lol nice sidestep and fence sitting so we shall call it a draw
Thanks be for your mellowocity, as I'm seldom within the bounds of rules, or reality...
But I broke the rules better right ... lol:)
Nice one Pryde, enjoyed it, great pic's and fun reading :)
Thanks, Ray:) I appreciate you popping in. Did you come from FB?
yes, but this time i steemed straight in! :)
The more you use steem, the less you will want to be FB but it does take time to make connections here:)
I love flamingos. Such and odd, gangly looking bird, and yet they fly with ease. And are SO darn colorful. There should be a life lesson there somewhere. Your tickled pink bird is quite a specimen too. Did you take him home? I probably wouldn't be able to resist. Then again, there's all sorts of 'creatures' staring at me from around my computer. Mostly chickens, no flamingos. And one cauliflower...."Oh, HOW interesting, DD" O :
I like your Haiku, and the photo of the washed out everything but flamingo. Very creative indeed. (Is the reason they are pink because they eat shrimp? I swear I learn something new very day). Cheers on a Mono Monday.
Thanks, DD:) Yes, the more they eat, the pinker they become. I think we need some photos of all your 'creatures'. I'd love to see them. I did not take my little buddy home. Although, I admit to being tempted. But as I age I find myself leaning to the minimalist side of things. It is either that or I don't like to dust:)
OK, I suppose you asked for it. Why I never get much done on Steemit. There's too much mayhem going on around my machine here...

Mr. Chicken in P.J.'s (Being seriously harassed by a couple of bony Rattus rattus)
We're not really too sure WHO these two yayhoos are...but they cause a regular conundrum of commotion
There are more hanging around, but it is time for bed.
I hope your night is a splendid one, Cheerio(s)
The alien pirate with the croc's body is fantastic. He could be a children's book character, for sure:)
Ha haaa, good idea, though I'd probably get sued by Croc's. Then again, my book would then be famous. Not sure where he came from, probably the Goodwill, but definitely his own planet otherwise. He's supposed to show up in some DD stories sometime. Get in line, ideas, get in line. Glad you like my desktime help. (Said with tongue firmly planted in cheek.)
Shrimps, hmmh. Learn something new every day. And I have heard about that minimalism sort of thing. Sigh.
LOL. Not for you?
I try, but the stuff battles back on a regular basis.
It has a way of doing that. I understand.
I don't see the resemblance as well. Maybe there was a flower of the same color as flamingo that it was named after :D
It is bright purple in color. Although, I think they come in reds and pinks too and so maybe that is where the name came from:) Thanks for popping by:)