It's that time of the year again when beautiful lavenders blossom under the sky of summer, giving us, eminent poets, inspiration to write magnificient haikus.
Last time lots of people wrote haikus! So i'll feature some of them in this post!
I didn't use to write this, i swear.
Anyways, this is the fourth post of an ongoing series about haikus (for steemit!)
you can always check the older posts here
- Haikus for steemit #1
- haikus for steemit #2
- haikus for steemit #3 - redfish edition (this one has useful info about haikus as well!)
What is a kigo?
Kigo(季語 "season word") is a word or phrase associated with a particular season. Kigo are used in renga and renku, as well as in haiku, to indicate the season referred to in the stanza. They are valuable in providing economy of expression.
Since summer just started here in italy, I'm using words like sunflowers and lavenders, because they are the kigo of summer!
Without further delay, the haikus!
kigo: sunflowers
not a single cloud
a hill full of sunflowers
sitting by the lake
kigo: lavenders
after a long time
the garden is purple again
full of lavenders
Special thanks to @susieisms , @anonymousmind and @whatisnew for their haikus!
remember to post a haiku in the comments! I'll feature my favourites in the next haiku post!