haiku by Lothar M. Kirsch
The poetic contest of Bananafish, now with an increased jackpot to 5 SBI!
52 SBI shares + 7 STEEM + 9.44 SBD distributed over 300 entries!
3 @steembasicincome shares first prize + 2 dedicated to the interaction of the participants!

From this week onwards, the prize for the Best Haiku will increase to 3 SBI!
To encourage participation in the reading of the other haiku in competition, and to express their preference with meaningful comments, from this week the awards for the Popular Choice and the Best Vote Comment will be awarded only if there will be at least 5 voting comments.
I remind you that only votes and comments that express a single preference and are posted under the @bananafish comment that says "cast your vote down here" will be considered valid.

For those that want to unleash their poetic potential, here is how this contest works:
• Look at the prompt image and let yourself be inspired by it.
• Write a haiku related to the prompt image. The haiku should be composed by 1-3 short verses with no title. The classical haiku form is 3 verses of 5/7/5 syllables, but other forms are allowed, as long as they remain in absolute brevity.
• If you aren’t confident with English enough, you can write your haiku in Spanish, French, or Italian as well. Only remember, if you write in languages different from English, please include an English translation for other readers.
• Post the haiku on your blog or in the comment section below this post. If you make your own post, don’t forget to put the link to it in the comment section below!
Don't forget to use the tag:
Watch out for the @bananafish comment to this post, under which you can cast your vote (and try to win the Best Comment award)
Join the Bananafish Realms on Discord and chat with us: https://discord.gg/ZWmEUWT

Prompt Image:

• Kireji (切れ字), a cut between the 1st and the 2nd verses, or between the 2nd and the 3rd; the cut can be grammatical, as a sign of punctuation, or it can be a cut in the meaning, like two different images.
• Kigo (季語), an explicit or implicit reference to a season, that defines the time of the year in which the haiku is composed or referred to.
• Sabi (寂), the sense of the inexorable passage of time, the beauty or serenity that accompanies the advance of age, when the life of the objects and its impermanence are highlighted by patina and wear or by any visible repairs.
• Wabi (侘寂), the taste for frugal and natural things, rustic simplicity, freshness or silence; it can be applied to both natural and artificial objects, or even non-ostentatious elegance.
• Mono no aware (物の哀れ), empathy with nature and human life; the "feeling of things", nostalgia, regret for the passing of time, understanding of the changeability and of the transience without suffering.
• Yūgen (幽玄), sense of wonder and mystery; it represents the state of mind produced by the inexplicable fascination of things, the feeling of an 'other' universe, full of mysterious unity.
• Karumi (軽み), beauty in simplicity; poetic beauty reflected in its simplicity, free from preconceptions and moral judgment.
• Shiori (しおり), gentleness; the levity and the delicate charm that radiates from the verses, where things are evoked in the reader without aggressiveness or excessive explicitness.

Submission deadline: Wednesday 23th January, 11:59 PM, GMT -7 (Pacific Daylight Time).
The results will be out on Thursday 24th January, 1:00 PM, GMT -7 (Pacific Daylight Time).
I wish everyone good luck!
Your haiku dealer

Let’s the Bananafish Tribe grow together!

If you’re interested, here you can find all the information needed.

[banner credit: @f3nix]
...And don't forget, every Thursday:

Cast your vote down here:
Todo un reto intentar un haiku a partir de esta excelente foto de @marcoriccardi. Mis favoritos de esta ocasión son @stever82, @agmoore, @mfunbee, @gracielaacevedo y @evagavilan. Debo decir que me gustó particularmente el ejercicio de @agmoore. Pero mi voto va para @stever82, quien nos ha presentado un ejercicio muy apropiado al espíritu del haiku, a mi modo de ver, al reunir una visión que recoge el momento de esta estación (a la que caracteriza como "apacible"), una cierta humanización de la naturaleza ("árboles estoicos" que ven) y animación de esta (montañas que se desvanecen en el cielo).
All a challenge to try a haiku from this excellent photo of @marcoriccardi. My favorites for this occasion are @stever82, @agmoore, @mfunbee, @gracielaacevedo and @evagavilan. I must say that I particularly liked the @agmoore exercise. But my vote goes to @stever82, who presented us with an exercise very appropriate to the spirit of haiku, in my opinion, by bringing together a vision that captures the moment of this season (which he characterizes as "peaceful"), a certain humanization of nature ("stoic trees" that they see) and animation of this ("mountains" that "fade into the sky").
Thank you! I love your writing, also.
En esta semana me han gustado mucho los haiku de @stevers82 y @oscarina. Mi favorito es @stevers82 ya que logra expresar paz, tranquilidad y belleza en tiempos de invierno, mientras que @oscarina transciende, renace y ve la esperanza más allá de lo rudo y frío que puede significar invierno. Felicitaciones para ambos. Presiento que @bananafish tendrá una difícil tarea porque varios haiku están muy buenos.
This week I liked the haiku of @stevers82 and @oscarina. My favorite is @stevers82 since it manages to express peace, tranquility and beauty in winter times, while @oscarina transcends, reborn and sees hope beyond the rough and cold that winter can mean. Congrats to both of you. I feel that @bananafish will have a difficult task because several haiku are very good.
Siempre es difìcil la tarea de elegir, porque hay siempre muchos haiku que me encantan. Gracias por tu comentario!
thanks if that is me have a extra letter in my name.
I would like to vote for @mfunbee I like the Nature Vs Man that is added.
My favorite was @mfunbee's haiku. The haiku had me pondering our relationship with nature. The last few days Boston has been covered in ice. Many people are grumpy because of the cold weather and slippery conditions. Yet, others see it as an opportunity to help out their neighbors. It all comes down to your outlook on life.
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I just read @oscarina's poem. I will give her my vote because she gave me a new way to experience the picture. That, for me, is one of the greatest functions of poetry--borrow a pair of eyes, a sensibility and increase awareness.
Blancas Montañas,
Tu Naturaleza fría;
Pinos e invierno.
White Mountains,
Your cold nature;
Pines and winter.
Disculpen la forma como presento mi Haiku; el Internet me está fallando constantemente. Hasta que por fin pude lograrlo. Gracias.
No te preocupes, podemos disfrutar de tu haiku incluso desde el comentario. Espero que los problemas de Internet se solucionen pronto!
Don't worry, we can enjoy your beautiful haiku even from the comment. I hope the network problems are solved soon!
Con mis saludos, @bananafish y amantes del haiku, agradecida de este concurso, que me procura un momento de meditación semanal, les dejo mi participación: https://steemit.com/haikucontest/@gracielaacevedo/mizu-no-oto-every-image-has-its-haiku-contest-week-16
Eterno invierno,
nieve sobre las cumbres:
el desafío.
Perennial winter,
snow on the summits:
the challenge.
Tu poema me lleva casi instantáneamente a lo épico. Además, quiero señalar el tinte de atemporalidad; ese eterno invierno que parece que no acabará... mas lo hace. En cualquier caso: ¡tiempo de desafío! Saludos. (pase a votar tu publicación con @autovoters) Your poem takes me almost instantly to the epic. Besides, I want to point out the tinge of timelessness; that eternal winter that seems not to end... but it does. In any case: a time of challenge! Greetings. (I voted your publication with @autovoters)
Muchas gracias por tu comentario y votos, @ salvao. La sugestiva foto de @marcoricardi me sugiere un avance. Ya que lo señalas como épico te concedo razón, haciendo la salvedad de que para mi este se construye ocupando el lugar correspondiente en la naturaleza, como parte de ella. Para los humanos este desafío es permanente.
Thank you very much for your comment and votes, @ salvao. The suggestive photo of @marcoricardi suggests an advance. Since you mark it as an epic I grant you reason, making the reservation that for me it is built occupying the corresponding place in nature, as part of it. For humans, this challenge is permanent.
Yo creo que el invierno eterno a que se refiere el haiku es el clima arriba el límite de nieve perenne. El haiku me gusta, es en el tema de "hombre vs. naturaleza", pero sin voluntad de destrucción.
I think the perennial winter to which the haiku refers, it's the climate above the perennial snow limit. I like this haiku, it's about the "man vs. nature" theme, but without will of destruction.
Me encanta como lees mis haikús, @bananafish: ¡siempre captas mi sentido! El tema "hombre vs. naturaleza", debería ir modificándose hacia naturaleza y hombre... no crees?
I love how you read my haikus, @bananafish: you always get my sense! The subject "man vs. nature", should be changing towards "nature and man" ... do not you think?
Naturaleza y hombre, es cierto! Hombre en la naturaleza, aun mejor!
It's so cold here today I can actually feel this picture:
Diaphanous mist
Blanketing ice-crested range.
Chilling white and blue.
It's cold here too, but I like it when the winter does its duty, in these years of global warming!
You described perfectly the scene I saw with my eyes... I'm always unsatisfied by the rendering of my photos. What I see is far more beautiful than what I'm able to capture
We do need winter... perpetual summer would not only be boring, it would doom the earth :)
However, I sit here with three space heaters running to repel the cold, so your picture really resonated.
The mountain awaits
Ski master set to conquest
An avalanche
Wow! Qué maestro del Ski sobreviviría a ser engullido por una abominable, rápida y pesada avalancha... Tu poema me hizo pensar, al final, en poderosos superhéroes xD
Wow! What a ski master would survive to be engulfed by an abominable, swift and heavy avalanche... Your poem made me think, in the end, of powerful superheroes xD
Something tragic happens in the third verse!
I like the way you gave movement to your haiku, describing a quiet and still scene, then breaking the calm.
Here is my entry I will read others tomorrow so I can come vote.
I've already read some tempestuous poems in this issue. I like the peace and tranquility that flows from yours, greetings.
Ya he leído algunos poemas tempestuosos en esta edición. Me gusta la paz y tranquilidad que mana del tuyo, saludos.
Thank you
Just came across this (thanks to @tristancarax), and I must say, it looks like a excellent, well-organized, interesting, and creative venture.
Keep up the great work!
Thank you for your visit and kind words! May we hope for a haiku from you in the next edition? Also feel free to give a peek to our Finish the Story contest, dedicated to fiction writing 🙂 You would be greatly welcome in our small family of writers @majes.tytyty.
Hmm, maybe I'll give the odd haiku a try. Regardless, you have my support.
HaikuPresente una vez más @bananafish, admirada de la creatividad de los participantes y la hermosa foto de esta semana. Aquí dejo mi
WhitenessMy entry dear friend @bananafish
Hola, he pasado a votar tu Haiku con @autovoters, pues ando pillado de vp... Lo que me gusta de tu poema es el carácter personal e individualista que le imprimes. Dejando ver un espíritu aventurero y, quizá, nostálgico. Hello, I have passed to vote your Haiku with @autovoters, because I am caught in vp... What I like about your poem is the personal and individualistic character you imprint on it. Leaving to see an adventurous spirit and, perhaps, nostalgic.
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¡Bendiciones para todos¡Mi participación en esta oportunidad: https://steemit.com/haikucontest/@oscarina/renacer-every-image-has-its-haiku-contest-week-16
Amiga, cuánto me alegra encontrarte en unas o otras actividades de la plataforma, pues me gusta cómo escribes. Tu poema me transporta a lo efímero de los instantes, aunque tanto en la foto como hoy por hoy estamos en pleno invierno... por lo que el verdor que mencionas lo tomo más como ese simbolismo con la esperanza que tiene el color verde. Saludos, te deje en el post el voto de autovoters, pues tanto trail me tiene el vp consumido.
My friend, how glad I am to find you in one or other activities of the platform, because I like the way you write. Your poem transports me to the ephemeral of the instants, although both in the photo and today we are in the middle of winter ... so the greenery you mention is taken more as that symbolism with the hope that has the green colour. Greetings, I left you in the post the vote of autovoters, because so much trail me has the vp consumed.
Gracias @salvao por tus lecturas, comentarios, criticas constructivas, palabras de aliento y apoyo constante; lo mismo digo, me gusta tu estilo, tu narrativa y leerte siempre es un gustazo... Interpretaste muy bien el haiku, la blancura y el verdor simbolizan estados de animo, etapas de la vida, más que las estaciones, lo rápido y/o lento que podemos pasar de uno a otro... Y fue lo primero que se me vino a la mente cuando vi la fotografía(tal vez porque en mi país no pasamos por ese invierno) ¡saludos y nos seguimos leyendo!
Me ha gustado mucho la imagen de esta semana... Aquí mi poema:
I liked to much this week picture... My entry:
Hi fellow Haikuists of steem. Is that a word? Nah, but it is now I made it up ;-)
Here is my Haiku for the comp :)
My humble entry:
This is me
Beautiful scenery this week, I leave you my entry: Boceto de invierno
Me gusta cómo el contenido de tu Haiku se acopla a las sensaciones que transmite. Creo haber contado 6 en el segundo verso, lo cual no hace que tu poema no sea bonito. Pues éste hace que, junto a la imagen, uno se instale en esa sensación de paz que envuelve las reflexiones profundas... jejeje, creo!
Muchas gracias @salvao me complace mucho que te guste mi haiku, creo que me equivoque al transcribir el haiku, era "del invierno" y coloque "de invierno" sin acordarme de respetar la métrica, gracias por contar las silabas.
Disfruté la escritura de este Haiku.
La técincia obliga a compactar las ideas en muy pocas oalabras.
Saludos y suerte a los otros participantes.
Aquí les dejo mi entrada:
Hola, queridos compañeros.
Mi participación en esta semana:
Aquí mi ejercicio de esta semana. Saludos, amigos de @bananafish y participantes. ¡Suerte!
@bananafish hey thanks for organizing!! 😇
Here's my entry:
Snowy mountain top
lovingly swaddled in clouds
Mother Nature's gift
Here is the link to my entry this week.