
It is fascinating the explosion of poetry that in this edition of Mizu No Oto has led to the photography of @qwerrie with its simple and admirable beauty. I have passionately enjoyed each of the creations of the haijin. I really liked the haikus of @josemalavem, @gracielaacevedo, @acostacazorla, @salvao, @solperez, @zeleiracordero, @marcybetancourt and @owasco.
I vote for the exercise of @owasco because, in a very poetic way, in it I perceive the voice of omniscience allowing us to travel back in time to the forest that contains the budding tree and symbolizes it as the strength of everything created.

Es fascinante la explosión de poesía que en esta edición del Mizu No Oto ha propiciado la fotografía de @qwerrie con su simple y admirable belleza. He disfrutado con pasión cada una de las creaciones de los haijin. Me han gustado de manera sobresaliente los haikus de @josemalavem, @gracielaacevedo, @acostacazorla, @salvao, @solperez, @zeleiracordero, @marcybetancourt y @owasco.
Voto por el ejercicio de @owasco porque, de manera muy poética, en él percibo la voz de la omnisciencia permitiéndonos viajar en el tiempo hacia el bosque que contiene el árbol en ciernes y lo simboliza como fortaleza de todo lo creado.

my favorite haikus
@solperez, @salvao, @felixgarciap

almost all of us agree with the extraordinary birth of a plant on a rock, its resistance is almost a miracle, the eye that found this wonder highlights the greatness of the force in nature
casi todos coincidimos de los extraordinario del nacimiento de una planta en una roca, es casi un milagro su resistencia, el ojo que encontro esta maravilla resalta la grandeza de la fuerza en la naturaleza

Very difficult to choose this week!
On a stone,
the shadow of the germ.

Hi @bananafish and greetings to all participants. This week I really like the haiku of @acostacazorla because it contains the wonder of creation (divine purpose). However, my winning haiku is for @josemalavem because each verse is fantastic and makes a sublime poem.

The beautiful photo of @qwerrier has propitiated the contemplative vision and the visualization that allowed the writing of exercises of much sensory and reflexive quality. I observed two fundamental trends: one that is fundamentally descriptive of reality from a humble astonishment, and another that recognizes the wonder of creation contained in that simple and surprising reality. I liked the exercises of @zeleiracordero, @oacevedo, @owasco, @gracielaacevedo, @solperez, @acostacazorla and @marcybetancourt. It is not an easy task to decide. I opt for @oacevedo.