I was thinking of the next hair style to make when I saw this lady and I cannot explain how I loved it.
The simplicity was out of this world and I think it made her look pretty too, I decided that my next hair style was going to be a natural one which means that I will not be adding anything at all to my hair. Nature is indeed beautiful and it has bestowed us with all the blessings we need to survive.
I cannot remember the last time I looked this way but giving it a trial is not a bad idea. I decided that I was going to start by going out with my hair just parked and styled naturally without wearing a wig which is something I have not done in a long while as well.
After that, I have decided to make this simple hair style as well without wearing a wig and I plan to carry the hair all through the week, I do not know how I will cope with the compliments I will receive from my friends as this hair style is odd and really unlike me but I just want to try something new after a long time.
I discovered that making a hair that looks natural will make you feel cool and comfortable, I remember that whenever I take off my weavon, it looks as if a load is taken off my head as I can pour water directly on my head and feel cool and relaxed.
There are different beautiful styles and those styles are called different names, I have not yet chosen the one I will do at the end of the day but I am sure I will still plait one of the styles. There is a woman who only knows how to make local hairstyles in my area and I plan to get it done from her at a very cheap rate of about 600 Naira which is 2$, I really do hope she gives me the best. Some examples of this hair style include: Didi, Lamole, Ghana weaving, patewo, shade adu and some other local names.
Thanks for the love, please do not withdraw it @mercy20.
Good Post, For sure natural is beauty!!!
yes it is my friend, thanks for stopping by