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RE: Introducing the Hairshares Project: Let's Make Someone's Day

in #hairshares8 years ago

You are so sweet to say that...and I don't call a lot of people sweet. LOL
I have a feeling I might have to trim my hair by a few inches just to get it healthy again but yeah, lots of hair donated but the ponytails get smaller every time. Damn this old age stuff! LOL

I actually want to shave my head for one cause and donate my hair to another but Pat would uh... have my head if I did that! WHAT! I say. It will grow back. I could rock a wig if I wanted to. I've got my halloween mullet hanging in the closet. LOL


I actually want to shave my head for one cause and donate my hair to another

An old wise bird once told me "it's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission", lol. I would love to see you rock a mullet wig! It's the #1 hairstyle in the history of man. About 5 years I grew my hair long enough to rock a mullet. I remember going to the hair stylist and telling them "give me a mullet". I swear the whole dang place looked at me like I was a crazy nut. Meh...maybe on days that end in Y.

1989, baby! Rockin' my mullet for the senior photo. LOL


This made my day. You even have the hoop earrings on! Love Love Love Love it!