My Toy Story Halloween

in #halloween6 years ago

Here is my entry for the contest put on by the veteran community of Steemit.

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Hi my name is Andy. You might remember me from the movies Toy Story. Well im no longer a little kid no more. I am 37 years old and am a recovering alcoholic. I work at a fast food joint, flipping burgers. It's a pretty mundane life. Except I have been living with a secret for 30 years. My toys come to life when I leave the room!! Yes Ive heard it all before, im crazy, it's the drugs talking, etc etc. Well folks I have proof.


Here is the popular toy Buzz Light year. I set up a trail cam to catch the magic.........


To all the folks who said I have been lying all these years, beat your heart out!!

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Here is my favorite toy, Woody. He is a cowboy. I take him everywhere I go. But watch what happens when I leave the room....

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Well since I have no wife, nor kids I did what anybody else would do......


I took them trick or treating!!!

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The views and opinions reflected in this post, do not represent those of Walt Disney


Thank you for being here for me, so I can be here for you.
Enjoy your day and stay creative!
Botty loves you. <3

Ohhhhh they are TOO CUTE!!