Halloween Candy Bowl DIY // Ikutan Kontes Yuk

in #halloween6 years ago (edited)

Hi Friends!

I meant to post a pumpkin pie recipe today but I decided to post this following tutorial of making your own candy bowl for Halloween instead :D

I said to @stevescoins I will be entering his annual Halloween contest again this year, right after (Canadian) Thanksgiving, so here I am, even when my candy bowl is actually still somewhat wet hahaha

Hai Teman!

Tadinya sih mau unggah resep pai labu sesuai niat kemarin, tapi karena aku juga mau ikutan lomba bertemakan Halloween, enakkan unggah ini dulu ah hahaha

Lomba ini diadakan oleh @stevescoin dan kali ini aku mengikutkan tutorial untuk membuat wadah khusus untuk permen :)


To summarize, here are the requirements!

The Rules of Entry

- You may submit ANY Halloween related material (art, fiction, photography, non-fiction, horror) you like: This is a free form contest.
- You may enter multiple times
- You must resteem his actual post, OR make a short blog about this contest for each entry you make
- You must link to this contest in the entry for every entry you make
- You may use previously written material, but you must create a new post (republish) for any material over 6 months old
- Link your post in the comment box of his initial announcement
- Make sure your readers know to come and comment on your entry-comment on his actual post
Are you interested in participating? Head to @stevescoins announcement for the contest, here, https://steemit.com/halloween/@stevescoins/halloween-2018-open-medium-contest-20-shares-steembasicincome-as-prize.

Kalau teman tertarik untuk ikutan, nih ketentuan lombanya :)

- Boleh mengikutkan apapun asal mengenai Halloween. Boleh cerita, foto, karya seni dll BEBAS pokoknya
- Boleh mengirim karya teman sebanyak mungkin

- Boleh mengikut sertakan apa yang teman pernah buat sebelumnya, namun jangan buatan jaman jebot yah, setidaknya 6 bulan lah umur tuh karya teman
- Wadao, panjang bener neh ketentuannya, capek juga aku translate-nya wkwkwk Kalau dah selesai, ikut sertakan laman teman di link dia yah
- Ajak teman2mu untuk me-like ataupu ninggalin komentar di karyamu - Harus nge-resteem link berikut ini https://steemit.com/halloween/@stevescoins/halloween-2018-open-medium-contest-20-shares-steembasicincome-as-prize, atau setidaknya menyebutkan tentang dia dan kontesnya di blog yang akan kamu ikut sertakan

Halloween is the biggest event in this house right after birthday(s), we always have fun go mad when it comes to Halloween, but it seems this year we won't be throwing our annual costume party, boo-hoo.

As we won't be having our annual party, I thought to send entry(ies) that I know I would be using for Halloween even when we won't be having our party. As we will be going out for trick or treating, which means no one will be at home to hand out candies, we don't want to disappoint whoever ring our door bell obviously, so I thought, hey, let's make a candy bowl, so eventhough we aren't home, them kiddies (and teens, and adulits) still can enjoy treats from our house.

To make this candy bowl, you will need a bucket, wood paint, spray paint, glue gun, wood planks, nails, hammer or power drill, Halloween decorations such as spider web, plastic spiders, and a sign, that says trick or treat (or tricks and treats, whichever), a rat, and a marker.
So when @stevescoins announced his contest, my head piled up a lot of ideas, and he is so awesome for allowing us to send many entries, so this will be entry number 1 for me hahaha You have been warned, expect quite a few postings on Halloween on my feed in coming days :P

Di rumahku, perayaan Halloween merupakan perayaan yang amat sangat kami nantikan, setelah ulang tahun. Pokoknya kalau dah bulan Oktober tuh yah, nih rumah dah gila ga sabar mau Halloween hahaha Padahal tuh yah, kalau lihat suster ngesot, yah takut juga loh hahaha

Tiap tahunnya kami selalu ngundang temannya anak-anak untuk pesta kostum dirumah kami. Namun tahun ini kami ga ada rencana mau undang-undang, tahun ini banyak malesnya deh, ntah kenapa. Males dekorasi rumah, soalnya habis itu bersih-bersihnya sendirian nih babunya, capek hahahah

Jadi yah seneng banget deh ada kontes Halloween di Steemit, setidaknya gila Halloweenya ada pelampiasan meski ga akan ngadain pesta dirumah wkwkwk

Karena Halloween bukan libur nasional, seringnya jatuh pada saat hari sekolah. Anak-anak masih senang untuk diajak keliling ke rumah tetangga, mengetuk rumah mereka dan berburu permen/cokelat. Dengan kata lain, kalau kami keliling, ga ada yang tinggal dirumah untuk menerima tamu-tamu cilik kan yah, jadi kami memutuskan untuk membuat wadah permen yang nantinya akan kami taruh di depan pintu, jadi siapapun baik anak kecil, remaja, atau bahkan para orang tua, bisa ambil sendiri permen-permen yang kami sediakan.

It took us exactly 2 days to make this, just to wait for the wood paint to dry (in this cold weather), so yeah, we spent most of our Thanksgiving time making the candy bowl haha

The small spiders attached nicely on spider web, but I used glue gun for the big spider and the rat. I also needed a printer to make the sign PLUS a laminator, which then I cut with a scissor and attached it to the wood, with a stapler.

Untuk buat wadah ini, segala sesuatunya murah meriah, dari toko 10ribuan hahaha (disini mah bahasa kerennya Dollarstore)

Teman hanya butuh ember, cat, kayu, hiasan, dan juga tentunya lem kuat serta paku dan palu. Dah itu doang, ga ribet.

Ta-daaaaa! excuse the goodies inside, we have yet shopping any candies as Halloween itself still far to go hahahha

That's about it. A super easy but presentable candy bowl :D My 4 yo did not like the Jack O' Lantern face tho, he said it scares him, he pleaded for a smiley instead hahaha

Jadi deh :D. Karena belum waktunya belanja permen-permen, Halloween masih 2 mingguan lagi, aku isi sama snack buat sarapan anak-anakku hahaha Namanya juga buat presentasi doang wkwkwk

Tolong ke link ini yah teman, terus cari punyaku, ga perlu di vote ga apa2, yang penting bantuin komentar di punyaku :D https://steemit.com/halloween/@stevescoins/halloween-2018-open-medium-contest-20-shares-steembasicincome-as-prize

Thanks for looking! Should you have the time, please head to @stevescoins page on this link, https://steemit.com/halloween/@stevescoins/halloween-2018-open-medium-contest-20-shares-steembasicincome-as-prize, and vote/leave comment on my entry(ies)!

Terus ciptakan artikel yang menarik dan gunakan tagar #nusantara, dan juga vote thekitchenfairy sebagai Steemit Witness kalian di https://steemit.com/~witnesses Pada kolom yang tersedia, ketik thekitchenfairy dan klik VOTE :D

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If you leave ANY link on my blog, I WILL flag you down. This is to avoid phishing and shits


Kreatif & bakalan seru nih acaranya nanti mbak @thekitchenfairy :)

terimakasih mbak

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howdy there thekitchenfairy! so now you're a master craftsman too, it's amazing! What can't you do? lol. No really great job on this one, it's classic!

my husband did the hard part. I only painted and decorated :P

Halloween isn't a huge deal over here but we do occasionally get trick or treaters. As we have a ferocious guard dog I was going to do a similar thing to you last year where I just put a bowl of candy on the gate so that anyone passing could grab some without having to brave the terrifying beasts, but got talked out of it by the outlaws saying that the hooligans in the neighbourhood would take the lot and besides which people would probably think it was poisoned because free candy is suspicious.

Apparently I don't have a suspicious enough mind to think about this sort of thing XD

If you've previously mentioned why you weren't doing the Halloween parties this year I've already forgotten :S (I'm guessing you may have said something in the pecan pie post? XD)

usually kids especially teens would sweep empty goodies left in bowls by the doors hahaha they are so sneaky ;-)

i have 2 dogs!!! idk what their breed is, they dont bark, they dont make a mess, they dont eat nor #1 and #2

they are the sweetest dogs I know, my kids arent scared of them, nor anyone else

but then again....they are only statues :P

Are they fu dogs? :D

no, just solar light dogs :D

itu sebeetulnya perayaan unutk apa ish mbak? sepertinya sih seru yah.

sejarahnya panjang banget ini bli

aslinya dari pemuja agama Pagan, bangsa Celtic, ini untuk merayakan akhir musim bertani, dimana setelah mereka panen, kan akan masuk musim dingin, dan jaman dulu tuh musim dingin dianggap masa yang gelap (kemungkinan besar karena terlalu dingin dan belum ada listrik hahah, jadi yang ada kan gelap2an dan kedinginan mulu). Dulunya dari tanggal 31 oktober hingga 1 november, diikuti 4 festival lainnya, mengikuti perputaran musim gugur ke musim dingin ini. dan mereka sering menyalakan api dan berkililing di api unggun itu. mungkin sambil bertukar cerita kali yah, dan seringnya mereka membahas salah satu mitos mengenai dua dunia peri dan arwah (karena ini dulunya di Irlandia, Inggris, Skotlandia mereka percaya keberadaan peri-peri, peri hutan, peri kebun dll). saat mereka berkumpul2 gini, mereka saling mengunjungi juga, terus berbagi makanan dll. mereka juga percaya bahwa saat musim dingin gitu, yang mereka sembah mengunjungi mereka untuk menjaga mereka, hewan ternak dll agar selalu aman selama musim dingin. mereka juga percaya bahwa arwah2 yang sudah meninggal tuh menyambangi rumah2 mereka waktu masih hidup. nah yang mereka sembah ini namanya Ao si. dia suka menyamar menjadi orang2 yang kita kenali wajahnya. jadi saat mereka merayakan, merekapun mulai pakai kostum2 seolah2 mereka itu Ao si. Perayaan ini dikenal sebagai Samhain

terus sama agama Kristiani, diadopsi menjadi hari yang disebut All Saints Day, ini masih jaman baheula juga. All Saints Day ini terbagi jadi beberapa peringatan, seperti halnya Samhain. Namun tentunya semuanya berhubungan dgn umat Kristiani (misalnya orang2 yang meninggal dan dianggap berjasa/super religius dll dan mereka disebut "saint" orang suci), jadi dari Samhain yang merupakan peri2 dan arwah2, diadaptasi jadi arwah2 orang suci.

terus kedepannya Pagan Sama Kristiani melebur tradisi mereka Samhain dan All Saints Day, jadi Halloween, diambil yang seru2 misalnya makan2 dan kostum2 gitu, dan untuk Halloween masa modern sih, kostum2 itu sebagai "alat" untuk mengecoh arwah2 yang mau mencuri jiwa kita karena mereka ingin balik ke dunia, untuk kembali merasakan enaknya hidup di dunia.

untuk umat Kristiani di negara2 tertentu, Halloween mereka masih seperti All Saints Day, ga seperti Halloween modern, seseruan gitu ga. Begitu pula umat Pagan, di negara2 tertentu masih merayakan Samhain seperti jaman dulu gitu.

Wiiy... antik.... hebat...jago masak...kreatif juga

Posted using Partiko Android

terimakasih bu ainee <3

You can find the community announcement on Discord :) and it has also been shared on our Steemit Bloggers FB Page and Twitter feed.

Congratulations @thekitchenfairy! This post was selected by the @steemitbloggers community as today's Member Boost Post :) It will also receive a complimentary upvote from @Appreciator throughout the course of the day!

Kereeen... jadi kayak lebaran gitu ya 😂😂 modalnya kostum sama permen. Hebohnya hampir nyamain natal kayaknya yaa... aku baca awal bulan kemarin tuh udah pada berburu kostum dan dekorasi .. ternyata beda yaa sejarahnya dgn dia de los muertos yg di mexico tiap 22 november itu ya. Selamat menikmati keseruan halloween... bocah2 pasti senang banget yaa😉 secara doyan permen semua 😂

haiyah....ga sama lah say

Lebaran kan ga ada mak lampir hahahah

iya ga sabar semua nih mau ngetok2 rumah tetangga, mengemis permen wkwkwk

Yaa.. bedanya cuma nggak ada mak lampir jejadian.. tapi gendoruwo doyan lontong dan opor siy gentayangan 😂 costum mana... belum dipamerin iihh

lah kostumnya masih mendekam di lemari. Halloweennya masih lama wkwkwk

Pameran dulu... bukan kostum suster ngesot tah?

mahal euy mau beli kostum suster

adanya daster doang ga seru kan

lagian ga bisa make up hahah

Kontestnya bikin pengen ikutan ya? Duh tapi bikin apa atau ngapain gitu yang cocok dengan hallowen? Hehehe...

Posted using Partiko Android

lah Indo banyak hantunya, ayo ikutan hahaha

Well the little goblins will not be grabbing that bowl and running with it will they? Nice tutorial , if I were to build one though it would have Hersey bars for sure in it.

hahaha yeah, those health bars and oatmeals are actually my sons school snacks and occasional breakfast hahaha

we havent gone shopping for sweets yet :D

Your hair is scarier?
You are such a riot

I do like the bucket... it's very cool that you'll go all out to do this even if you are not having you party this year.
Here it is more commercial than anything else.... but I am still hoping to do something fun with the kids :)
Thank you for sharing <3 So in true @thekitchenfairy style, I am sure your will keep to your word with many entires hahaha

I will be posting more. Just a bit preoccupied with life. damn real life taking away my Steemit life, you know :P

I know right!!
Real Life needs a Reality Check!!

This post is sponsored by @SteemitBloggers

in collaboration with @appreciator. Just keep up the good work.

I admire your craftiness!

why thank you <3

We don't get any trick or treaters here at all. I do go into town and find the roads where all the houses decorated for Halloween and stuff like that though. The grandkids like seeing the lights and stuff. I like the bowls that give the kids a fright as that is what the night is about. lol

Ah am nosey, just checked you, homesteader, must live far from neighbors?

one time we lived very far from anywhere, so for Trick or Treat we drove to downtown hahah

we like driving around the neighborhood as well, well the houses are so festive either on Halloween or Christmas

I used to love Halloween when my kids were little - but never liked the candy involved with it.

I dont like candies, I prefer chocolates. before vegan I used to tell my kids to go to houses with chocolates hahaha this is the funny thing about Halloween. we provide goodies to whoever come our way, yet we go out and ask for goodies from neighbors as well hahaha

I hopefully too take part in it...i have too many pumpkin photographs to share

Posted using Partiko Android

yay! thats the spirit!

This is an awesome candy bowl. You are a very trusting person. How you can be sure that the first group of kids that come through don't clean out the bowl and leave nothing for others? That would happen here for sure...

we ALWAYS buy more than 8 boxes of chocolates and candies, Ceci

its our pleasure when they are ALL gone so we dont have to hog them ourselves (I mean me, am fat already hahaha)

we used to live in area where there were no trick or treaters, so sad. then we moved to area where there were tons. 5 boxes werent enough.

not once all gone, just some left. but either way, its fine, its a day of giving for us, so all good :)

when theres leftover, we'd use chocolates for cupcakes/cakes, which then we also gift away. if not, we always have upcoming Christmas parade, and we would give out as well.

(but also, when we are trick or treating, we make sure to one of us come home to check the bowl if it needs to be refilled)

and for candies, we can use them for gingerbread house :D

What a wicked cool idea! I love how creative, but simple, it is - very well done, @thekitchenfairy! And congrats on the #steemibloggers member boost!


oooh i love that giphy! its so me!!!

thank you pretty lady <3

Hello houaaa you have done so well you even made the Halloween bucket yourself the result looks so cool!!!

very festive ... :)

Over here in Malaysia we don't really celebrate it full mass, maybe minority yes.. But we definitely love to listen to all the Halloween songs. I mean me and my children.

Lovely and creative art right there.

#steemitbloggers #steemitmamas

Hahahaha I was laughing at the caption of your hair too, just like @kaerpediem :P Your creativity has no bounds, @thekitchenfairy, love your childlike heart 💖

She’s too cute 💗

Halloween is a big deal in my family. The ladies like to take the kids trick-or-treating and my wife makes them all costumes.

here.It may be a little late, but if you're entering @stevecoins' contest, and want to do something different, you can also enter the #farmpunk contest and make your post an entry for both contests. Deadline is Monday, but the details can be found

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I loove Halloween and this is such amazing stuff. That candy bowl is amazing and I love how handy you guys are 😉👍 so fkn cool.
Thank you for sharing. 🤗💕💞