Gay Nazis Rule the Left, Evil Antisemitic Terrorist Hamas Sympathizers

in #hamaslast year

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Gay Nazis Rule the Left, Evil Antisemitic Terrorist Hamas Sympathizers
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The world is a dangerous place; now with wide open U.S. borders, this global mess has arrived in YOUR home town. Strap-up and get a firearm, plus plenty of ammo: our enemies have breached the gates, with the help of knowing & willing accomplices within our own government.

Conservative speaker Candace Owens recently told a group of LGBT+++ students, who said they felt threatened by her presence on campus, “life’s tough, get a helmet.” But for these so-called “Americans” who openly support the recent barbaric Hamas attacks in Israel, they’re gonna need a lot more than headgear, to protect their pretty little skulls.

Thank you, Libtards, for openly stating your views - that you advocate MURDER for cause: you are now enemy combatants, and have forfeited ALL of your rights. Prepare to pay the price. And to think, they kept calling MAGA the “insurrectionists.”

Gun rights advocates visited Kingston on September 13, warning about the ever-eroding Second Amendment (which, for ignorant readers, is the one which protects firearm ownership), Speakers from Gun Owners of America held the event at Safe Shoot LLC in the Town of Ulster, to discuss important developments, including Gazzola v. Hochul [1:22-cv-1134 (BKS/DJS) (N.D.N.Y. Dec. 7, 2022)]; currently winding its way through the Federal appeals apparatus, but recently denied emergency injunction at SCOTUS [Application #22A591].

In case you missed the fuss, New York Gov. Hochul, in her zeal to further subjugate citizens & the United States of America (together with its Constitutions), executed recent amendments to her corrupt pervert predecessor Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s notorious S.A.F.E. Act of 2013. The updated state firearm laws force all purchases of ammunition to go through an illegal “background check” through the Federal FBI-NCIS database, via the NY State Police. This restriction has proved costly, time-consuming & redundant. Connecticut has a similar law in place, requiring purchase of an annual permit in order to obtain ammo.

Hochul also remains dead-set in favor of banning so-called military style “assault weapons” in New York State. This effort began ten years ago, with limits on magazine capacity. Massachusetts enacted yet another totalitarian gun law just this month, on Oct. 18th, described as “sweeping” in scope.

As the Associated Press reported, “All of it goes against us, the lawful people. There’s nothing in there that goes after the criminals,” said Jim Wallace, executive director of the Gun Owners’ Action League. He noted that the Massachusetts bill (HD 4420, “an act modernizing firearm laws”) is an overreaction to last year’s Supreme Court decision, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen, which struck down NY's century-old public carry licensing law. “This is a tantrum. This is a flat-out tantrum,” Wallace said.

And don’t forget how New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, on Sept. 6th, issued Executive Order #2023-130, which declared a “health emergency” over gun violence, suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque and the surrounding county for at least 30 days in response. This completely insane move was lambasted by other gun opponents, including David Hogg, the smarmy loudmouth idiot 2018 Parkland High School shooting “survivor” from Broward County, Fla. During the outcry, N.M. Gov. Grisham capitulated, after a Federal restraining order, narrowing her gun ban on Sept. 15th; and renewing that modified order once again, for another 30 days, on Oct. 6th.

Each year, liberal Democrats, bit by bit, further limit & restrict gun rights, which the U.S. Constitution says “shall not be infringed.” Except for criminals, who don’t obey the law anyway. These are the exact same ultra-liberal “meathead” legislators who simultaneously “defund the police,” reform bail laws, and open up our borders to invading hordes, like ankle-grabbing male gigolos.

You can help fight this war against our gun rights, by becoming an active law-abiding gun owner yourself, and joining gun rights advocacy groups like SCOPE (Shooters Committee On Political Education -, a 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, safeguarding the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms! Members include Attilio Contini, our beloved former Ulster County legislator; and “Uncle Mertie” Melfa, whose Youtube channel documented the GOA event at Safe Shoot LLC last month.

Or instead, you could simply sit home and do nothing, while marauding Fifth Column foreign invaders (together with “leftie” domestic terrorist cheerleading groups including BLM, ANTIFA, & NAMBLA) massacre your entire family, as you helplessly watch - similar to what happened in Gaza on Oct. 6th (same day as N.M. Gov Grischolm’s gun-grabbing executive order). Alas, it’s become painfully obvious that Democrats are allowing all these battle-ready military age male enemy combatants to enter our country, by the millions, on purpose. They’ll be kicking in doors throughout your neighborhood, one day soon, with masks and assault rifles (stockpiled previously under Pres. Barack Obama’s completely illegal “Fast & Furious” program). That’s why you need firearms too – along with organized training, and lots & lots of ammo.

One might ask, why in the world would anybody, especially a New Yorker, need a high-capacity firearm? Look no further than the latest news dominating headlines today, Palestinian death squads performing ruthless civilian murder sprees in Israel. We Americans picture Israelis as Uzi-wielding badass neo-colonists, always on guard for the next terrorist incursion. But Israelis will be the first to tell you, they feel safer in the Middle East, surrounded by goat-thumping enemy Islamic fundamentalist fanatics, than in New York.

Although Palestinian terror attacks which took place Oct. 6th, as of this writing, the details remain somewhat fuzzy. An unknown number of militants somehow breached the Gaza perimeter, by vehicle and apparently also by paraglider, raiding nearby Israeli settlements, killing over 1,300 and taking hundreds of hostages, including Americans, back inside their sealed ghetto. That’s the official story, anyway. We’ve yet to witness the full response, which is expected to be a siege & occupation by Israeli defense forces. Nevertheless, whichever side you take, the deadly experience drives one important message home. Gaza had walls. America doesn’t.

Isn’t it a funny coincidence, that the same political leaders in the U.S. who have been relentlessly pushing for “Sanctuary Cities,” spurring an immigration crisis (more accurately, an outright foreign invasion), defunding police, “reforming” bail regulations, and mandating dangerous & deadly untested MRNA death vaxes, are also tirelessly warring against the Second Amendment, which leaves ordinary Americans like you & me defenseless?

Libtards also want to literally eliminate meat & petroleum, forcing African children to mine cobalt for their electric car batteries, while eating crickets and other insects for food. And also lower the age of consent, while abolishing religion for “science.” Look at how those hypocritical, unwashed gay Nazi cretins stormed the U.S. Capitol complex, in support of Hamas murderers, on Oct. 7th (Simchat Torah, a major Jewish holiday), shouting “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free (of jews). These genocidal maniacs, were called by the leftie communist press “protesters,” not “insurrectionists.” How dare you,” quoting Greta Tardberg, yet another privileged autistic terrorist gay Nazi sympathizer.

The endless “lawfare,” Democrat prosecutors maliciously charging their political opponents, cuts both ways. Every Liberal who campaigns against the Second Amendment should be summarily jailed without trial, just as the J6 defendants were. Two can play at that game. Muslim Congresswomen like Ilhan Omar & Rashida Talid, et al., should be treated as enemy combatants, as if they were Hezbollah or Hamas insurgents themselves. Throw the book at them! Send them to Gitmo, throw away the key. Because that's how they currently treat MAGA; that’s exactly how THEY like to play.

Smug Democratic Socialists currently serving in public office brush off our concerns as “MAGA extremist,” falsely suggesting that such atrocities which befell Israel lately can’t happen here. Conservative pundits have long-noted that the waves of so-called “migrant’ invaders illegally crossing our borders, and being transported to far-flung cities across America, with domestic assistance, are mostly military fighting aged able bodied young men. Tens of millions of them - all undocumented.

Let’s take a ridiculously lowball estimate, one in a thousand, or a tenth of a percent, of those invaders being dedicated terrorists, on a mission to destroy America. We’re looking at ten or twenty thousand militants, loose in our country. The BLM/Antifa “Summer of Love” in 2020 cost billions of dollars in damage; and that was just a few hundred provocateurs, traveling from city to city, performing guerilla raids, under cover of public sympathizers (of which there are many).

Try to imagine the carnage tens of thousands of foreign insurrectionists can inflict here in the homeland, under organized and determined military supervision! And it is in this context that Kingston, NY should be highlighted, not merely a “sanctuary city,” within a county, within a state controlled by (enemy) Democratic Socialists; but in fact a strategic transportation bottleneck between upstate and downstate. Geography made Kingston a crucial strategic battle zone during the American Revolutionary War. Every “sanctuary city” is also a strategic choke zone, with National Guard armories prone to capture, and warehouses full of hidden stockpiled weapons & ammo for the enemy to eventually use.

How many law enforcement units exist in Ulster County? Can they reasonably be expected to handle an army of undocumented militants, once activated? A handful of substation attacks can take down the entire regional electric grid; and a few train derailments would further cripple the entire northeast. Whenever these militants go door-to-door, will you be ready to defend yourseves and loved ones - or will you still be waiting for Gov. Hochul’s ammunition “background check” to complete?

It would be prudent to own one or more high capacity firearms - just in case. Because that day is coming. Another swell idea would be to help organize well-regulated militia, the other part of the second Amendment which nobody tends to talk about. All the able bodied men in the area, once were mostly farmers during the American Revolution, ought be kept in a state of readiness for an enemy invasion contingency - especially considering the fact that we have already been invaded, by a huge number- exceeding the population of our entire Empire State!

I’ll tell you, the way things are going right now in this country, when civilization falls apart, there ain’t gonna be nobody showing up to save your sorry sore butt. Kingston can be considered the epitome of what’s wrong with America, led by that smarmy corrupt metrosexual idiot of a mayor, Steve Noodle, whom everyone despises. Yet somehow, the Republican RINOs always turn out to be the Democratic Socialists’ political best friend. It’s about time we called this standing kakistocratic junta for what they really are: Gay Nazis. This became apparent with the overwhelming downpour of antisemitic rhetoric (from both sides of the uniparty) which we witnessed in the wake of October’s Gaza incursion.

Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t believe everything the Israelis say; their Mossad motto after all is “By Way of Deception;” Nor would I buy wholesale into the Palestinian rap either, their culture & murderous cause, overall, is intolerant fundamentalist camel dung. One’s initial reaction to a dead baby should NOT be parading it around the neighborhood, for the benefit of international news cameras.

Sure enough, it takes both sides to maintain an ongoing feud for 75 years. Still, the rhetoric coming out of these Democrat Socialists, in the aftermath of this latest massacres, was disgusting; especially considering how they’ve been hypocritically equating MAGA with Nazis for the past 7 years. Yet wiping out two million refugees trapped in a modern-day Warsaw Ghetto, depriving them all of life’s essentials, as well, isn’t cool. Obviously though they’re apparently well-armed. Perhaps those resources might be better served as food & medicine for their own people, rather than starting WWIII. The Jews were conquered on & off for six thousand years; they’ve been in charge now for almost a century. Stateless Palestinians have no country; and they refuse the only nationality offered to them: Israel. The Egyptians don’t want them; nor the Jordanians, Lebanese, or Syrians.


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Daily Eagle News
Established July 4, 2019