Google translate from Czech.
This is my entry into the crazy HandModel challenge from @soundwavesphoton that I discovered by watching @tarazkp.
I've been watching @tarazkp articles for some time so I learned about this crazy challenge :-). I had never thought that a hand could serve as a model for photography. I searched my archive and found one of my hands. Already as a model served to the article here at

The hand is not covered with powder. This makeup is wooden dust :-)
Ekologický make-up z obnovitelných zdrojů :-)
Tedy pokud jsi nepracoval s dřevotřískou :-)
0.74859188 TRDO0.49906125 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @jjprac, you successfuly trended the post shared by @bucipuci! @bucipuci will receive & @jjprac will get
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Zrovna (tehdy) jsem řezal a brousil palubky :-)
Tak to je fajn, žádná umělotina ;-)
Poctivý smrk :-)
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Hey @bucipuci, here is a little bit of from @jjprac for you. Enjoy it!View or trade
Hey @bucipuci, here is a little bit of from @jjprac for you. Enjoy it!View or trade
Hey @jjprac, here is a little bit of from @bucipuci for you. Enjoy it!Good friends
And indispensable :-)
0.01202850 TRDO0.00801900 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @garygeo1, you successfuly trended the post shared by @bucipuci! @bucipuci will receive & @garygeo1 will get
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Hi~ bucipuci!
@jjprac has gifted you 1 SHOP!
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Are you bored? Play Rock,Paper,Scissors game with me!SHOP
Please go to you :-)
Oh my God!我竟然不知道你想说什么!
Oh my God!我竟然不知道你想说什么!
You win!!!! 你赢了!愿赌服输! 给你1枚SHOP币!
Možná bys mohl zkusit kámen, nůžky, papír v angličtině. Třeba by tomu rozuměl :-)
Každopádně ten shop právě studuji a testuji. Už se mi konečně podařilo někomu poslat minci, celkem cennou. Až to vyzkoumám, vydám o tom info ;-)
Minci jsem dostal. Je to fakt dost cenné. 6 centů hned tak někdo nemá.
Zkusím na něj něco vybafnout :-)
Jen do toho. Ještě musím zjistit, zda pro rozdávání mincí je potřeba je mít stakované.
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Hey @bucipuci, here is a little bit of from @jjprac for you. Enjoy it!View or trade
Hey @jjprac, here is a little bit of from @bucipuci for you. Enjoy it!Tak mám 3 SHOP. Jeden od tebe a dva za kámen, nůžky, papír :-)
Tak to je super ;-)
Vypadá to, že za dvě výhry je jeden SHOP. Hrál jsem 4 hry a byly za to 2 Shopy :-)
Já prohrál a taky mi něco dal. Tak nevím. Bude to chtít zkoumat. A projet jeho profil důkladněji ;-)
Teď jsem jednou vyhrál a dostal jeden.
Tak jsem dal dvě výhry a jednu prohru. Dostal jsem dva SHOPY.
To bude 1ks za výhru a nic za prohru.
It’s a tie! 平局!再来!下回我再出拳头!
You lose! 你输了!乖乖的给我点赞吧!
You win!!!! 你赢了!愿赌服输! 给你1枚SHOP币!
You lose! 你输了!乖乖的给我点赞吧!
You win!!!! 你赢了!愿赌服输!
1.57%Congratulations @jjprac, upvote has been shared with your successful call on the post that shared by @bucipuci!
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Hey @bucipuci, here is a little bit of from @jjprac for you. Enjoy it!Nice to see you giving a hand
I'll give her a challenge. I'd rather not put it in the fire :-)
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Hey @tarazkp, here is a little bit of from @bucipuci for you. Enjoy it!!trdo
0.30235275 TRDO0.20156850 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @krakonos, you successfuly trended the post shared by @bucipuci! @bucipuci will receive & @krakonos will get
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Tohle je dobře vypadající, pracovitá ruka.
Mohu téměř POCIT historii.
I am pleased. Thanks :-)
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @bucipuci!
Thank you :-)
You're welcome @bucipuci
BTW, feel free to support back and vote for me as a witness
With pleasure :-)
I like any hand that is covered in wood dust. It means you must have been woodworking!
Yes. I was doing a wood siding on the wall of the house :-).
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Hey @wwwiebe, here is a little bit of from @bucipuci for you. Enjoy it!1.06297313 TRDO from below listed TRENDO callers:
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