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RE: Cheapest Way to Feel Rich?

in #happierpeople7 years ago

You make some good points about the perception of wealth here Jerry, and how the law of attraction will come into play to reinforce those views. I am 100% in agreement with you on that.

Also, having a lot of material objects doesn't necessarily mean you feel wealthy. I sold/gave away nearly all of my posessions and moved to the other side of the world with just 50kg of necessities. I feel richer now than I ever did in the past even though I have no "things" to show for it.

It's funny, cos based on what I know about you, I wouldn't consider you to be poor at all. You are killing it on steemit and a lot of people are envious of your position. And yet, here we are. You just wrote a post about feeling broke and poor, which is the exact opposite of what I would have expected to see from you. It just goes to show you really can't be sure about how different people will look at the same situation.

Also, as a fellow vegan, stocking up on oats and peanut butter sounds like a delicious idea. Big thumbs up to this.