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RE: Slowing Down and Listening to Inner Guidance #181

in #happierpeople7 years ago

It's a funny thing Jerry, this is now the third consecutive post I'm reading that talks about "slowing down." I love synchronicity... and maybe there's a message hidden here; for me; for the world.

Much of the time, it feels like the entire world suffers from some strange collective FOMO disorder... like we "have to" cram something into every waking moment of our existence, and if we don't? Part of us... some small voice... suggests we're somehow flawed. Missing out. Lazy.

One of my spiritual Teachers of many moons ago was fond of saying "Don't should on yourself."

Sometimes it's easier said than done... we live in this world where people can less and less afford to just STOP and watch the grass grow.

Thanks for the reminder!