You know, most people are so used to hating you, but I really do see another side to your responses.
At first glance, when most people read this comment, they will see it as bad. I now understand you @berniesanders. Everyone, this is our very own (up until recently) dedicated asshole. He doesn't have a choice but to talk the way he does. It must be in his culture. @berniesanders, I understand ;). This is really you just showing your love to the world. It is clear that you are putting some effort into things.
Cracking your code is very simple. It's everything backwards. All supposed 'hating' is really just a whole lot of loving. That point can even stand true for your reputation. Your rep is -16, but it really depends on the way you look at it ;) Because in reverse, it's like +60 :D What a beast :D
Guys, it's really all about understanding the lingo :P
PS. I'm digging the autovotes on your comments lol. I just don't understand why they're upvotes.. Hear me out ;) See, in this case upvoting to you is really just downvoting.. So we should organise for them to all be converted to downvotes, then we can get the rep even lower (which in this case would be even higher) :D Haha just joking around, although, I think for being unique, I have some seriousness to that too. As a legit proposal, you should seriously get that rep lower lol.
By the way, just to be clear about this.. Just take what I'm saying lightly, and not become an enemy haha :D We're cool lol.