10 Things that Make me Happy

in #happiness7 years ago (edited)

1. A warm sun-drenched morning on the porch swing?  

2. A dog at the door


3.A walk down an autumn trail enveloped by a colourful umbrella of leaves.

4. Tigertail Icecream

5. A solemn song

6. A babbling brook

7. Fresh Picked Fruit

8. Airport Reunions 

9. A Walk on a Shore

9. Surprise Flowers

10. Gourmet Coffee


How about your first upvote? ;)

Whoops,,,,,3rd upvote. How about 1st .01 upvote?

Thanks celsius! Great Game today btw! Can't wait for the next HORSE freeroll. :)

...and I should add, tonight's Woman's Day freeroll. Everyone welcome. Come join the fun. Meet the best steemians. =D

Forgot to mention this guy...

He will never forgive me for this.

No he won't!

That's my kitty! I never knew you had a pic of him. :)

hmm Out of your Ten I think i would like the porch swing, like dogs so that's cool, loving the trees, BIG TIME the ice-cream, fresh fruit I'd eat those strawberries till i was stuffed. A walk on the shore totally love and i just purchased a coffee machine yesterday. Cool list :)

That's a very nice list you have their,i just picked up a bunch of strawberries today. I see you like to play poker, so I shall see you at the tables soon!