Chose what you want and it will be...

in #happiness7 years ago

Today could have been seen as a 'bad day'. My one boob painfully engorged and topped with a beautiful bruised nipple. A cranky screaming teething toddler that isn't satisfied by ANYTHING and needs to be held pretty much non stop. A messy home that needs cleaning and about a thousand other things that need doing.


On occasion my first world attitude lets days like this get me in a mood and cause me to say today was crappy. But instead of succumbing to this negative way of thinking I chose to do things differently... and you know what!? I had a GREAT day! Mainly because upon waking up I made this decision to have a great day and thus started it the right way. I layed in bed watching my two favorite boys wake up me to me and went through all the things in my life I am grateful for. Then I snuggled them both a bit did a little yoga stretching and started on with my mom duties. Then I made a point to do something for myself while Kai took his nap. Something just for me. It was all that simple. Then when kai woke up I felt refreshed to start back up enjoying his presence even in his most challenging state.


I am an incredibly blessed woman and sometimes I have remind myself of that and chose to see the beauty. At the end of the day it's all just a choice. We chose to be upset and we chose to be happy. Today I chose joy. How about you!?


great post, really loved it. at the end of the day it's all just a choice.

loved it, love your way of seeing things

Thanx so much! 😘

Perfect! Love it all :)

Setting the intention before sleep can help too. We try and get in some crazy dancing to music each morning. If anyone is feeling grumpy this will sort them out!

I noticed you have selected the 100% power up option on this post. With SBD where they are it is more lucrative to select the 50/50 option, save the STEEM and sell the SBD.

Great tip! Thanx Sam! And we too do morning dance party! Kai LOVES to shake his groove thang with us! lol!

I'm INSPIRED by this post and yes, often choose this path too. Choosing joy, choosing trust, choosing optimism. It matters and it changes everything. Your images are so sweet..... :)

Thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and leave your thoughts and a little bit of love on my post! 😘

It's actually a super important idea and practice. Keep shining, Lovely!! :)

that is a good way to tackle those stress day.
And Kai is so handsome. .
he has grown so fast. 😃

It's a great way to start all days before the stress even has a chance to get me! And yes he has grown soooo fast! He's now a big sweet boy! Where did my baby go!?

Very easy to forget about ourselves and our self care! But if momma ain't happy, no one is!! 😊

I'm ALWAYS forgetting to take care of me! Ugh! The struggle is real! But you are sooo right if mama ain't happy no one is! Lol! So let's make the choice to make us happy!

Remember there was once a day when you wished you'd be a Momma....! ;)

Oh my goodness yes! Being Kais mom is the most amazing thing I have ever done! It the best part of my life! And the hardest most challenging!

Wonderful! Each day we wake up, we get another chance. We choose the outcome, and we choose the tone of the whole day. When we clearly see what we will manifest. Be well.


if a toddler does not make you crazy sometimes then they are not doing their job.

Bahahahaha! So much truth!

 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Oh wow! Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate your support! 😘

You are so very welcome. Thank you again for not using bidbots!