Positive thinking can change your life. With every positive thought you have, you attract all the positive energy in the universe. Before you dismiss this as quackery, think about it for a second.
Think of that day you woke up feeling nothing would go right. It’s a safe bet to assume that nothing went as planned that entire day. On days when you wake up with unusually high spirits, everything seems to go your way.
There’s a reason why that happens. You see, your subconscious mind is very attentive. Whenever you feed it negative thoughts, the subconscious will find every way of making sure those negative thoughts become a reality.
For example, when you tell yourself you cannot do a certain thing, the subconscious stops devoting your resources to complete that task.
But if you continuously get positive thoughts, your subconscious dedicates all of its resources to make those thoughts a reality. Now that you know how positive thinking works, here’s how you can have positive thoughts most of the times.
- Have Lots of Positive Friends
In other words, you should keep away from negative people. Everybody has a friend who always sees a half full glass. Such friends will rub off on you. When they do, you will constantly get negative thoughts, which in turn make you unable to achieve your dreams.
But if you can get more real friends, friends who are optimistic, you set yourself on a path to achieve everything you always dreamt off. As they say, show me your friends, and I will tell you who you are.
You are a sum of the people in your life. Get more positive people, and you will have more positive thoughts.
- Catch Yourself
When you find yourself thinking negatively, always correct yourself. For example, if you think you cannot pass a test, correct yourself and restate to your subconscious you will pass the test. No one lives without experiencing negative thoughts. What you can do is make sure you do not pay attention to these thoughts by diverting your thinking to more positive thoughts.
- Adopt a Positive Attitude
Always go about your activities with an upbeat attitude. Always try and be happy no matter what you are doing. Happiness is the key to a positive attitude. It keeps you from concentrating on events that might cause you to have negative thoughts. A good way to keep yourself happy is to think about all the good that will come from what you are doing.
With positive thoughts, you will find you can achieve most if not all of your dreams.
Great post again @kaylinart! I love that kind of info because I can put it to use in my life! Have you seen my latest blog? I met a very sick man confined to a wheel chair and he encouraged me!
Thank you :) I will be sure to check out your blog in just a second :) that sounds like a really interesting post!
Beautiful photos. Made me feel more postive, for sure haha
Thank you very much, I'm glad you feel more postiive hehe
Totally agree, Sometimes counter example makes a really big difference, It's like you could follow the bad example, Or you could go the other way I think it all depends on the person.@hanshotfirst
I am POSITIVE that you are a talented and hard working person!
( And a great caretaker to a Positively adorable rabbit! :D )
Aww you are so Sweet Kenny <3
I am trying really hard! I just quit my job! So now Its game on, Otherwise I have to go back LOL>
Thank you! My bunny is my bestest buddy!
Mushroom is a very cool and cute bunny! :) Mushroom and I have faith in you; you'll do just fine!
Thank you for the nice picture. Basically, I am always negative thinking to assume the worst. To think about the things in the positive is same itch that's very important. This photo help me a positive thinking.
Thats good :) You should practice it some more! Whenever something bad happens to you, Think of a couple good things that come out of the result. There are always good things in every situation. Sometimes its hard to find them but you can.
I love when people challenge others to adapt a more positive mindset, so thank you for this post. Recently discussed this in a work meeting about how the stories we tell ourselves end up becoming realities. David Foster Wallace gave a commencement speech at Kenyon College called "This Is Water" that I read whenever I need a reminder to be aware of how my mentality affects what I experience. If you haven't had a chance to read it, I think you would like it very much.
I need to read it! It sounds very interesting :)
So many negative people in this world! I hope to help change that! There is so much good and beauty in this world that deserves to be appreciated.
I loved it thank you!
Good post!
Thank you
I am a positive thinker now. Before I was one life was grey and I saw the fault of every problems in others. Let me tell you one thing: life is much more beautiful when you are positive
It's so true! I can completely relate, I was the same way. The world becomes such a dark place and it's really sad. The good thing is you can change your way of thinking to see the positives instead!
Exactly. That's why we sometimes need a rolemodel. Someone who reminds us that there is more in life. Your post is a great reminder here. Good night bro! Hope to read more from you soon
Hehehe thanks! Bro hahahahah!
You definitely will! I post a ton hehe.
I'm trying to teach my kids this... every day. Actually wrote about it today.
Nice post! I just took a look at it! I wish you luck with teaching your kids that ability. They will be much happier in life.
Thanks! How did your parents teach you? Seems to have worked.
No they didn't my parents are actually extremely negative. But I decided that I didn't want to live my life like that.
Sometimes the best way to learn a lesson is through a counter example. See something that you don't want to become. That was my inspiration to be a teacher: don't be like many that I had.
How about you go fuck yourself with your generic advice, you vapid little bitch? You're just regurgitating the basic crap you can find in all self help books. Get fucked.
Thank you!

Awesome post! Very energetic and uplifting. Thank you!
No problem I'm glad I helped hehe!!
I love this! My father always used to say, My boy... We do the things we do because of the way we feel and we feel the way we feel because of the things you do. The wisdom in this post reminds me of him, thank you. I wrote a post recently on steemit called " How to avoid the physical hazards of steemit" please visit I would love feedback from this page. Thank you!
Watching positive movies also helps. Two of my personal favorites are Auntie Mame (Rosalind Russell version) and Pollyanna.
Thank you and agreed :)
i have to say you give energy in this post.
Have Lots of Positive Friends
The Power of Networking! :)