Some people just mumble for happiness and good mood. You never see them frowned and do not miss any opportunity to have fun, leaving negative emotions and worries aside. If you think that you, by no means, can not be such a person, well, think again
Science has proven that we have the power to change our perspective on life, the specialists are assuring. And, moreover, it is not difficult either. Here are some tricks that have proven effective!
Physical activity stimulates blood circulation and, implicitly, the release of endorphins in the body, endorphins that fight the malaise. Research has shown that exercise can help reduce symptoms of depression, according to health. Every kind of physical activity is useful to us: from just running in the park to cycling, yoga, dancing as long as it makes us sweat.
Even a fast and short 20-30 minutes can save us.
If we begin to see red in front of our nerves, it is time to take yoga. Yoga exercises control breathing and remove fears and frustrations. Sometimes, when you're in a bad mood, it's enough to breathe deeply and oxygenate your body. Backbone is an excellent way to change your mood. We can make the "bridge" from above or below taking care to curve our back as hard as we can. The position should be maintained for 5-8 breaths, then we return to a natural position. We can repeat twice. If it's hard for us, we only make half the arcing to collect half the benefits.
Green vegetables such as spinach are also rich in folic acid, providing 33% of body requirements daily. Contained nutrients help reduce negative mood by producing dopamine in the brain. A US study in 2012 showed that middle-aged people who used to consume foods rich in folic acid had a lower predisposition for depression than those who did not have this habit.
Behavioral therapy is a proven solution for treatment against depression and anxiety. Treatment can help people turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts, thus succeeding in improving their health.
We could buy flowers alone! A team of Harvard researchers has come to the conclusion that having fresh flowers in the apartment increases our chances of being well-placed. The people who were included in the study proved to be more understanding with others, more enthusiastic and more willing to work.
You may think that smile is a consequence of being happy, but a series of research has shown that smile sketching - even if forced - can activate the centers of happiness in the brain, helping us to change our mood for the better. So, the exercise of the smile is obligatory!