Happiness lives in simplicity

in #happiness8 years ago

The biggest mistake we can make in life is to compare.
How many parents destroy, for unconsciousness, the self-esteem of their children, to compare them to other children.

Many adults, because they have a weak self-confidence, try to make it through the children and create high expectations for the future of these. They demand that always stand out from the others, and when this does not happen, turn out their frustration through criticism and demands often inconceivable.

Every human being is unique in their talents and abilities. It is no use trying to work on something for which nature has not endowed us. The talents that we bring are ours and nobody else. And they are no less valuable than those presented by other human beings.

Discover their own potential and express it in the world is a task to which we should devote ourselves early. But we are not stimulated to this, scour our interior.

On the contrary, we are taught to look out and find the outside world models we should follow. Try to adjust to a way of being, which is antagonistic to its nature, it is a major cause of anxiety and dissatisfaction of the human being.

Society makes us believe that we only have value if we are capable of extraordinary feats that take us to highlight through the fame of conquest, power and money.

However, the more we spend energy chasing these illusions, more wasted a chance to simply find fulfillment expressing our being.

Love itself is the most authentic form of gratitude that can offer existence. Whatever the way she found to manifest in each, this is the correct way, because nothing in the universe happens without a purpose.

Look for the community of things and find common: the more common, more true, the more exceptional, more false. Be ordinary - and you'll be closer to the ground, closer to the truth. If you can be absolutely common, what else is needed? - For every moment becomes such a great grace ... What is the problem with being absolutely common.

You eat and eat is a sacrament. You sleep and sleep is a sacrament. Walks under the sun, what else is needed? You breathe - what more needs to be happy? You love - what more want.

All things have been given; you're just trying to be exceptional. Follow the general rule, common; do not try to be an exception, but will be in misery .