Good morning friends, Happy Fourth of July, 2017!! I've been too busy to write a post. Doing what? Well, I have a large family and I was graced to get in on several very enjoyable gatherings three days in a row. Since my Son is visiting this entire week and has 4 month old Twin boys, everybody wants to see them. This requires we meet at an adequate facility like the clubhouse at my Ex's apartment or my youngest sister's nice (large) house. I also trekked down to my eldest sister and husband's farm where they come at least once a year to check on.
It's in the Ozarks (where I live) and she visits from New York. That was great – the farm is literally in the middle of nowhere, very peaceful and quiet.
The loudest noise is the country birds chirping. But I'm back, in really good spirits and ready to express myself.
I haven't kept up with much news, which is continues to be mostly a desperate sort of plea to keep on believing the propaganda. For the record, I haven't owned a television since 2003 when I lived in Mexico. They have television there, and cars and internet, etc... but I gave it up. It was a great decision.
So let me say something about that – DECISIONS. Do you realize that everything you do stems from a decision you make first. Yes, it is true. Once awake, and your conscious mind takes over, it becomes a constant choice of 'should I have eggs or cereal for breakfast?', 'do I feel like doing my exercise?', 'should I call in sick for work?' (lol)... it will continue until you pass out to sleep. Many of us have never considered or realize this.
Decisions that we make are what create our lives. Thoughts are things and accumulate to comprise the totality of what we Believe. Our 'beliefs' are the programming that is kept in our subconscious mind that our conscious mind gets it 's directions from when making a decision. This is constantly going on. Understanding this is where one can gain some insight to what is right or wrong about their own life, and the key to changing something they want to be different. For example I'll use one of my favorite platitudes – HAPPINESS IS A DECISION. Before you condemn this or jump to a quick opinion, consider what is said. I stated in an earlier post that I swing to the woo-woo side of things so this may rile some folks. Lo siento.
So let me explain further. It is my belief that when I take time in a practice of connecting to my subconscious (for me this can be Yoga, my jewelry work, canoeing, etc, call this meditation if you want), I have by-passed my annoying sock-puppet conscious mind that has to question everything and thinks he is in charge. Rather, I am in a 'place', the part of ME where I am safe and calm. I am free to draw on what I KNOW in that moment. Physiologically, my body feels better, my blood pressure drops, etc. This is how humans were intended to live. Saying to oneself – I intend to be happy today – is powerful because when the conscious mind makes a decision (this never stops), it is reminded to 'be happy'. The alternative is letting him run things and there is no telling how the decision might turn out based on external stimuli. The world outside of you is exactly the same, but your decision to remain happy changes everything. Never getting out of one's conscious self can be destructive. Believing that taking some action to make oneself happy based on 'thinking' is most likely NOT going to work. I think of this as 'out there' (outside me) and 'in there' (in my meditative state). Consider this for a moment and you will get my point. In fact you may be this way yourself or know somebody like this – get a new car, new shoes, over eat, drink too much, get more money, etc.... these are attempts to make oneself happy by doing something 'out there'.
I'm not saying 'things' are bad, but they are NOT what makes one happy. When one DECIDES they are going to BE HAPPY, the things one desires show up!! This is a fabulous, fantastic (matrix) system that we live in. Neither Science or Religion have yet to pound it into a system that can be acquired 'out there'. It is very simple and only requires spending some time 'in there'. Just say 'I'm going to be happy today, no matter what' when you first get up, and let your day unfold based on that one thought. You might be shocked how great your day was when you turn in that night. If you like that feeling, then do it again the next day.
Thanks for stopping by. Please upvote me if you like my rants.
PS –This writing is based on my own experience and beliefs. I also hold a certification in Hypnosis which I am drawing on. Please let it be an aid to you or disregard it completely. You are free to make THAT decision.