What an inspiration. I wanted to start trading too but I have this fear that it might not work for me. I trade with fiat currency before and lost my investment. I am not good in analyzing the trend especially those candles in the trading platform.
But reading your story makes me wonder to consider crypto trading. Any tips on where to start?
yea man. If you just risk a $50 of your steem bucks it won't ruin your life until you figure out what everything on the exchange does. How it functions and where to click. I mean if you lose $50 but learn how the exchange works in the process it's actually a really cheap education. ^^
Yes it is. Where should I start? :)
in my heart, i trust BTS. it does so much.
I am still my BTS. it has fallen a lot recently but I banking on a turn around. Just in case you are worried made a bad suggestion. I still have faith in this coin. ^^ I will probably buy more.
I bought burst after our conversion. It was pretty small though :)
Oh cool. Burst is still ok. Hope you got it cheap. I suggest holding it until markets start moving up again They will.