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RE: How Living With Cystic Fibrosis Has Made me a Happier Person

in #happy8 years ago

My mom had rheumatic fever at around 12, then again around 21. The doctors told her she wouldn't live long because of the damage it had done to her heart and organs. Same as you she set about living. She traveled, worked hard and then blew all her money. She got a big surprise in her 40's she wasn't dead and she was pregnant.
She taught me the same lessons as your dad, live, play and honor every minute of the day. My best to you and the challenges you have turned into an epic tale.


Your mother sounds like a wonderful person who knew how to live life. I also want to get to the point in my life where I can travel around the world and experience as much of this beautiful planet as I can. Thank you for the kind words I wish you the best and I hope you can use your mother's wisdom as guide for your own life.