I disagree with your opening statement... but not in a straight forward way.
Happiness is not really a lack of want.
It is in practising appreciation of what we have.
The thing that makes us much sadder today is advertising.
It has become so good at making us feel less than, so that we will feel a compulsion to go buy their goods. Unfortunately, their goods are no where as good as what they said, and don't deliver on their promises.
So, modern advertising just makes everyone feel bad.
I would say advertising should be banned, but everyone I know avoids the stuff, just out of convenience if nothing else.
Happiness also comes from feeling like you are getting somewhere. It used to be you load 16 tons, and deeper in debt. Now it is load 300 tons, and you are even deeper in debt.
Even savers. People who have lots of savings in the bank are losing due to the invisible tax of inflation. You are getting further behind just by living. And this is by design.