Oh, wow, thanks. Yes, that is my blog there. :D
I just finished watching the TEDx talk you linked, and what a great talk it was. Thanks for linking it. Relationships are certainly a powerful link to your happiness.
I'll be looking out for your work here too.
You have some great content on the blog, though I have to be honest, it needs a little "facelift" user experience wise...
I see you using wordpress..you can try to simply using a more modern theme with better spacing and content presentation, styling, nicer CSS etc...
I have years of web programming experience, perhaps we can collaborate on that in the future ...
till then keep up the good work :)
Oh yeah, my crappy theme. That's been on my list - just that Steemit has commanded my time as of late. I appreciate the feedback on it though, I love no shit talk :D
I created the site as a way to profit off my older articles here - one of the downsides of the way we earn on Steemit.
Do you have any WP themes that you like for me to look into?