The world seems insane right now, doesn't it? This dumb little barely-living creature is killing everyone and another big dumb barely-thinking creature is in charge of the world's largest nuclear stockpile. It's quite a shit show.
But there's always the sky. No matter where you are, you can look at the sky, and it's just incredible.
I know that sounds trite. It really does.
::Like, bro, take a rip from this bong and, like, just, ya know, LOOK, um, up!::
Yeah, it might be a stoner trope. Or something most people stop finding interesting in kindergarten.
And, yet, I think we are discounting how emotionally (if not intellectually) smart pot-heads and children are. They always seem happy. Or maybe--content, is the right word. They look up at the sky in wonderment.
Because if you take a couple moments and, inside your own head, tell the rest of the world and all that's going on to just SHUT THE FUCK UP for, like, 60 seconds (really, you are allowed to do this...I give you permission to waste a measly minute staring up at the endless colorful Nothing) you'll realize how much of an absolutely beautiful, crazy, stunning mindfuck the entire concept of "the sky" and "looking up at it," is.
It's unbelievable no matter at what level you're pondering it. Optics, astrophysics, metaphysics, aesthetics, environmentally, spiritually, mystically, whatever...Even just staring up and thinking absolutely nothing. Just head tilted back, taking in the infinite expanse above you like an empty-headed idiot (it's my preferred way of looking).
Try it. You might be amazed.
Or you might just think I'm insane.
And that's ok too, because I have the sky.

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