It seems like these days it gets tougher and tougher to keep a positive outlook on life. The bills keep coming. The relationships may not be the best, and you are bombarded each day with negative news from various sources. I find myself slipping every once in awhile into a self-pity trip that is not necessarily the easiest to escape. So as I write this, I am writing this for you and me... To remind me that is possible to remain positive "most" of the time.
1. First and foremost, be thankful that you are alive! We have been blessed with an opportunity to grace this planet for a brief moment in the grand scheme of things.
2. Keep the faith! Even if you don't believe in a higher power, you can still believe in yourself. Trust in yourself, your God, your dog, your cat, your chair, your air, or whatever it is that you use to get you through the day. Be genuine and kind to yourself!
3. Live in the present moment. The future does not exist yet, and the past is long gone, baby! Focus on the here and now, just be, and just exist!
4. Meditate.. The power of meditation is incredible! You will awaken powers within you that have the capability to transform your mind/body/soul.
5. Find something that inspires you. Whether it be a hobby, sports, walking, jogging, music, playing an instrument, arts, crafts, reading, or even fishing. When you find the one thing that inspires you, you won't let these so-called"problems" in your life. It will allow you to live completely in the moment and that's where its at!
6. Turn off your television!! No need to elaborate on this one...
7. Help someone else out! It's far to easy to get so very self absorbed to where we never think about others. Even if its just offering someone a hand or even holding the door for someone.. .just do it! What comes around goes around... we hope!
8. Don't pet the sweaty stuff! Whoops,, I mean.. Don't sweat the petty stuff! Life goes on, we make choices, and we deal with those choices. After all, you are still thankful to be alive right?
9. Sing it!!! Just sing like you don't give a care.. there are so many talented singers out there in the world who are afraid to sing.. You're voice is good enough. It's good enough for you!
10. Don't be afraid to be yourself. This is one of the most important ones. You are one of a kind, special, gifted , loved, talented, genius, funny, happy, and infinite!! If you don't feel that anyone loves you,.. well you are wrong. So get out there and create, love, and laugh!
very inspiring
Thank you kindly!