It means the way to attain knowledge.
It's close to philosophy, except
in philosophy you go horizontally,
while in mysticism you go vertically."
- Elle Wiesel
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The Bible 11:11 Code Reading - Message #31
If your following my blog then your probably saying...ok that's the same reading you gave yesterday and yes I know...I actually received the same reading. And of course I was happy because that's synchronicity and I love sychronicity.
When I receive a repeating message that lets me know that there is great emphasis on this divine memo. So of course I'll be as aware as I possibly can now. How about you? Did you notice anything weird going on yesterday like little synchronicities? Repeating numbers? Smells or Sounds triggering emotions? Dejavu? Anything? Comment below.
Rev 11:11 "But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them."
Key Words: Spirit/ Life/Renewal/Breath
Spirit is enlivening you now.
Don't just lie think you are down and out, that your luck is low or has run out, and that it's looking pretty hopeless right now.
No worries!
After 3 and 1/2 days this entire experience will be turned around by the Spirit of the living God!
Ascended Master For The Day
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Additional Meanings: Start doing EFT and using affirmations, start a muscle toning program; This could also be a message of love/healing about a male figure in your life.
It's Time For EFT for Wealth
Tap over your heart lightly and repeat the Affirmations Flashing in the Gif until you feel them. 17 seconds or more is perfect!
John Randolph Price
Specializing in assisting aspiring entrepreneurs integrate Health, Spirituality & Money for a Masterpiece of a Life!
Whole Life Spiritual & Beauty Coach, Crypto Mentor, Social Media and Online Business Building Coach
[email protected]
I appreciate the education on mysticism.
Hey chica I just saw this comment sorry...thanks for engaging with me!