Happy Animals - Happy Life : and how some Happy Farm Chicken helped me with that :

in #happychicken7 years ago (edited)

I grew up on a farm, we had cows but we had to sell all and almost lost the farm because the milk price dropped into a black hole, we only had 20 cows...
Sadly my father was bipolar and sometimes he freaked out and it got worse.. he was the one who taught me how to draw too but he had to go...
After all that we still managed to keep the farm but my mom had to do it all alone with 4 kids in the neck.
Now my siblings are all living their life and I´m back at the farm after living in a city for 7 years - I love it, being back home feels so good and I feel like having a reboot for my body and mind.
After learning a metal industry job and working for a while I took my time off and lived from my spare money - now I feel like a whole different person. The city, the people, my job - everything kept me so busy and away from myself, now I´m back and also feel healthier.

The reasons are the clean air, the wonderful tasting water (yes I really do taste a big difference), the sun and the good homegrown food.

Especially the eggs of the chickens here are my favourite.
I want to live less environment-abusive, means to basically live vegan if possible but not the "meatballs-imitate-fastfood-vegan" type of way. It´s still hard to manage due to money problems but I try to waste less and eat more different things like nuts, berries, fruits, herbs, microgreens and also started breeding my own crickets to eat them :)

May sound disgusting but I´m a fan of farming - just don´t want to abuse anything I´m consuming - I think this is what makes us sick! Hormones, antibiotics, vaccines and much more is used to keep animals in big "food factories" growing, eating and produce more weight faster. Also inbred animals can be infested with cancer cells or other abnormal functions - we better stay away from genetic abuse but that´s just my opinion. The way we live now isn´t what we really want, I can see it in the eyes of many people.

I don´t want to preach my way, just want to walk that path and maybe if someone is wondering - here you see how it CAN be... at least for the Chickens.

The Recent Episode (7):

I created Chicken TV when I found a video cam at home, I think it´s from my sister but she´s ok with it (I already broke it but pls don´t tell her, it can still record but the display is dead^^).
I´ve always had a passion for animals since I was very small, I also raised some chickens and also killed and ate some myself. When I know they had a long and GOOD life - because I saw how they lived and they were free to go everywhere - then I feel no sadness, no regret, nothing but "Thank you".

That´s what I feel when I kill an animal to fulfill my needs - it´s simple gratitude.

I haven´t killed anything for a long time now but still ate the meat, consumed everything because "It was there" -but now I saw how much it changed me. I never had immunity problems at the farm, always barefoot, always shorts and mini-shirt even on sunny days in autumn. I was a healthy kid but I started feeling like a old, worn out bag of potatoes - at the age of 23!

How can this be?
Am I supposed to life for work and feel like THIS all the time?
I had to change something - also my relationship helped me with this, I have a strong partner, mentally and physically. The good thing is that he´s not really helping me in a direct kind of way - he made me help myself.
He showed me - like a mirror - who I am many times, I am very grateful for that and after 4 years I´ve grown to a strong woman who can defend herself and fight for herself :)

He was the one with the ide to get vegan - tho he ate more meat than me before, I´ve never expected US to go vegan haha but we did and it feels good - it´s just hard to eat that MUCH!
People use to say I eat like a bird and yes, I do eat not much but all the time and once a week I eat like one big trucker guy, but then I´m full for a while.
Maybe it´s printed in my genetics - maybe my ancestors had to live like that too because I often feel hungry but this feeling isn´t something bat or painful for me, it just means my stomach is cleansing right now.

Here is the video that made us vegan(literally):

(This guy has some really interesting things to say, but you should speed up the video a bit, he´s talking a bit slow)

But also: this is just how I see this, don´t take any of it scientifically accurate, I´m observing the world like everyone else - with only two eyes and ears.

I also believe mind is matte but can´t imagine changing my eating habits right now.
We tried the one meal per day thing but I also cant do this - I´m a bird xD

And I love birds - because they are Dinosaurs!!!!!
They also give me eggs, they are cute and can even learn things - so damn treat them well or I´ll come after you!!
schroom s.jpg
haha :P

Here are all the other episodes, but be aware, I just learned video editing, the old ones are just raw materials but still nice to watch.
I made this show esp for children (my sisters kids, I grew up watching handdrawn shows but these poor kids have to watch ugly animated and pointless kids shows) and people who are interested in watching some positive farm content.

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4: https://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=kb4aV0PSG3g

Episode 5 :

Episode 6 :

We are tiny farmers now, only growing some food for us but still - we are farmers and should treat our animals right :)

I still have no problem with meat consumption, just the way how the "meat" is raised is a big issue - we´ll pay for it one day, sooner or later. Just watch all these hypoallergenic babies - never touching any dust, grass or rocks with their feet until they are 18 - then wondering about allergic reactions - either it´s that or a combination of the pesticide fruits/veggies and the "too clean"- lifestyle.

I grew up in mud and still enjoy being in my own "dirt" (not shit, I´m just not showering everyday, my microbes are my friends) Our body is a planet anyway:

Resistance will grow when you repeatedly encounter the thing you want to resist - like eating hot pepper - it IS healthy! Just don´t eat this sauce right away Screen_Shot_2017-07-28_at_1.01.18_PM.jpg
Start small, I know - I also don´t really enjoyed it first but now it´s better, i can eat more now and start enjoying it!
It burns out all the bad microbes, cleans your guts and yeah - burns like hell but you get a step closer to a stronger immune system.

Maybe there is more about being HEALTHY than just drinking a healthy shake or going for a walk every day - our life is complex, we should look better after ourselves. Take care of what you eat and do, maybe start growing microgreens - everybody can do that! It´s the small things....
Learning Never Ends!

Enjoy and Thank you very much for reading!

Greets from Austria <3