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RE: How To Fail Epic!

in #happymoneyman8 years ago

Here is just a standard logo animation which I meant

There is a million of patterns and there are lots of freelance designers who can make it totally custom . Your logo could be a bit simplier than in this videos, but it would give you some unique style.


Probably not the best example, but I hope you get the idea.

Yes, I definitely get the idea.
I had my logo animation done a while ago.
I would love an upgrade.

Would you recommend anyone specific or should I just find a logo animation specialist on upwork?

It depends whether you want to spend money or not. For example, I was researching this issue and found out there are 2 possibilites :

  1. You can find ready animations in youtube and google ( but they will be kind of overused by different brands). If it does not bother you and you like the result than fine. It is very easy to efit them in Adobe Premiere.
  2. or you can find on upwork a freelancer, tan it will cost you some money ( but always try to research so they would not use the same patterns like in first examle and sell you for overprice) .
    I can give you example which I ordered on fiver, it was just 5$ but very nice . I just can't find it now since it is 1 am at my place, but I will add to you other post later ok ? :)

That sounds great. I would like to see what you did with Fiver.