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As we turn the page to 2024, I want to extend my sincere gratitude to everyone who has been solving puzzles on the ConsumerBreak app. My story spans 12 years in trying to develop and grow an app startup; more details about this journey can be found at https://www.consumerbreak.com/story

The past couple years have been an amazing experience in the WAX space as we’ve racked up over 70 partner collab puzzles, thousands of NFTs given away, our own collection with 95k+ mints and counting - AND the launch of the incredible Twitch channel and NFTOPIA convention! 🎉

🗓️ Moving forward into the new year, we strive to continue this momentum by further exploring Web3 and also using ConsumerBreak inside Web2 venues and cross-platforms along with white-label kids learning apps. However, in order to reach this next level we will need to restructure our app development and software hosting, and plan to relaunch the app later in 2024 in an improved manner. Consequently, the app will temporarily shut down, and the final puzzle will conclude on January 7th in which players may earn a ConsumerBreak pack and NFTOPIA pin.

🧩 For those that have loved our engaging skill-based puzzle games and learning about projects – while these must take a break, they’ll be back in a much better way! We would love for you to help us during this next leg of the journey by suggesting new features, app improvements, and use case brainstorms.

🎁 For those that have loved ALL THE AWESOME PRIZES given away in games, you’re in luck - because ConsumerBreak offers goodies in many more ways!

Hop into the Discord to stay updated and get as involved as you want. https://discord.com/invite/BkvYXm4mAT

📺 The ConsumerBreak Twitch channel will continue with monthly streams filled with NFT prizes on stream games – and may redeem NFTs with channel points. The next "AMA Train" and NFTOPIA School is scheduled for January 27th where you can come learn about projects and hang out in the metaverse. The NFTOPIA 4 Convention will take place from May 3-5 also with the infamous huge SWAG bag and tons of new booths and activities. There are ongoing giveaways in Discord, and the huge collab Bountyblok giveaways ain’t stopping – so just stay tuned!

🎴 The ConsumerBreak "cbreakgaming" NFT collection is an art collection not reliant on the app. All perks, giveaways, and drops will continue as usual. Season 4 of Hybrid Creatures will launch in spring 2024, featuring the community-voted Base Cards of a Dragon, Phoenix, Unicorn, Minotaur, and Griffin. You can also win NFTs from various collections by holding or staking cbreakgaming NFTs! All badges, base cards, and fabled/legendary/mythic rarities grant you entries to drawings for random prizes during the Twitch streams.

Follow the instructions, study collage images to decipher passwords, and fill out forms to earn NFTs. Passwords can be entered directly into the web browser as instructed. Currently, there are 2 QuestBreak games available, each with 15 images and multiple passwords. Later in January, we’ll add 10 MORE QuestBreaks which can be solved at your own pace. Completing the final password forms will earn you packs of Season 4 Hybrid Creature cards upon the new season's pack drop. If you need help, just ask!🔎 For the puzzle maniacs, there’s also the QuestBreak clue-solving scavenger hunt game available at https://www.consumerbreak.com/quests

Stay updated through Discord, Twitter, and email notifications regarding the relaunch of the ConsumerBreak app and other events.

✨ Wishing everyone a Happy New Year, aiming for growth and happiness in 2024.

Natanel Eisenberg, aka BreakMan