
Thanks, it's not necessary though. Smooth is literally one of the dudes I'm thanking for his help in this post. It's his stake he has a right to flag whatever.

I don't think less than a week of functioning uptime on hf22 is enough to change the culture. But honestly, I haven't seen a smooth vote on one of my posts in a year. If he's voting again, even if it's a flag on my current post, this is a major win for EIP.

Problem is that people are leaving STEEM because of the downvotes and these STEEM justice warriors don't get it.

@kawaiicrush is the latest example that I saw today, having a hefty downvote battle and now leaving. He has taken 4k Steem to Blocktrades already and another 6k will most likely follow in a few days. This is real, their purpose does not justify real damage that is done by burning active members.

If I see one every time I search for it, damn.. how much of a % can I see? Nothing...

In life, we can have 100 reasons to stick with something and still one reason against it might be enough to turn around. So @smooth it is not o'right what you do. This is not about being right or wrong. If you have a neighbor in real life, you can choose. You agree or you evade, you don't warship anything, unless you want one of you to leave in the end - in that case, go downvote anything you think he does wrong.

I really don't get where this idea is coming from. In my personal life, I've been voting since I was 10 and had to choose a student representative. Never ever was there an option to downvote, no never. Vote or don't vote. Now we can fight corruption and abuse with downvotes, B U T none should play justice warrior, that will most likely emergency evacuate anyone who gets targeted/suppressed.

Steem is better off if kawaiicrush leaves 🙂 and if you don’t know this, then you are speaking without even taking 5 secs to look.. which is not beneficial.

If you don’t understand downvotes and why they are important, then you don’t understand the rewards pool. Rather than raging, take a few moments to educate yourself before attacking others.

There are no justice warriors here, there are people using up and downvotes (based on their stake) which then reaches a consensus and the inflation is paid out based on that.

Downvotes are part of a healthy ecosystem and this one is valid.

I totally understand the system and the goal that is behind that. What I don't do, is to mix up strategy and empowerment. It's the perspective of the power balance in this system that makes it dangerous. The way I've seen downvotes generally used in HF21/22 is fantastic, but I don't think it will stay that way.

The Steemians with the biggest stakes can now enroll a lot of regulation, as they could have since a very long time. But until now they would do that very selective and not based on systematic, or maybe even fully automated rules. Only with the free downvotes, it really makes sense to build downvote systems that strive for a better STEEM environment for . . . . B L A N K S P A C E . . . . .. they can choose for whom.

My father told me once, the best political system in the world might be a perfectly just King. I still don't believe in that. People have different needs and opinions and the people should be the real King.

If you really want to have a giant ecosystem where big STEEM stakes do good for everyone, there might have been less intrusive ways of doing that. Maybe limit the maximum size of upvotes/downvotes or create even smarter curation curves that can perfectly adjust to soft parameters, improve the UI to showcase extensively good content based on upvotes per views or general overperformance of an author. But who am I to suggest such things, I'm sure you already get the idea.

Your obsession with @berniesanders is pathetic. Get a life.

Where in my above comment to I support abusive behavior? Stop reaching.. I don’t play those games.

Downvotes are good for the ecosystem, no form of abuse is.

Your obsession with @berniesanders is pathetic. Get a life.

Well I can’t really do anything about TOS, I don’t own the site. I also believe there are many accounts doing more harm than the “Bernie ones” you mention.

I’m aware of his downvotes to specific accounts and even though I’m not a fan of downvoting due to disagreements, I also think our actions have consequences and many accounts feel they can troll and attack then cry foul when it’s returned. I would argue these accounts who are causing harm are also driving investors away.

So, I’m one who feels the situation is not as black and white as it’s painted to be.. with that being said I’ve flagged his accounts many times and hope he finds a more positive path.

It’s not my fight, I do what I can.

(And when I tried to make it my fight and solve the “turmoil”, your buds are the ones who viciously attacked me 😉... so maybe you guys need to look in the mirror a bit.)

10000% agreeing, downvoting is never useful

I learned from the best! Just helping you to keep Steem thriving!! Wink wink! Be a dear and send my regards to the AI would you?!


Your obsession with @berniesanders is pathetic. Get a life.

Upvotes and downvotes are powers people receive for staking on the Steem network. No one has the authority nor the right to tell you, Smooth or anyone else what they can or cannot do with their upvotes or downvotes. Voting is a matter of subjective stances on issues, and there is no official policy nor should there be an official policy for what you can do and not do with your votes. If there was an official policy that was enforced by a single entity or a power circle, curation would then not be a decentralized system indicating wide community sentiment.

I 100% agree about one week not being long enough. I expect this process to play out over several months and I'm still not sure what the outcome will be.

As for my votes, I had steadily delegated out (nearly) all of my SP over the course of HF19/HF20 as I saw that voting was largely useless and it became a pay-to-play dominated system. I kept a token amount undelegated to be able to engage on comments, downvote spam or clear abuse, etc. That's why you didn't see my votes, because I mostly wasn't making any.

Since HF21, with the hope that the culture does change, I have undelegated most of my SP (some is on long term leases and my current plan is to let them cycle out). I plan to vote/curate/downvote. But if I see that the culture is reverting to one of paid voting and self-voting then I will go back to delegating it out like everyone else (self-voting would be another option, largely economically equivalent, but too much trouble for me personally).

Where this goes? Easy to tell:
Whales or their account holders will use advanced downvote tools to censor the whole rest of the network, just as it pleases them and for free. Meanwhile, the trending page is full of Like-Train posts.

Sounds like a good platform to be on, right?

At least some of us can now not only search for content to upvote, no they can also search for contet to downvote. That's a cool new hobby.

20190905 04_53_40Steem Statistics – 2019.09.02 _ SteemPeak.png

Hard no. The graph does NOT show the number of users, it shows the number of accounts which is not even close.

It also includes Steemit in the whale section, which does not vote (at least not for the undelegated portion of their stake) and is entirely irrelevant and misleading.

The categories are also pretty arbitrary and all of the bars are large enough that even modest changes in the cutoffs would start to shift a lot of the mass of one bar from one of these arbitrary categories to another.

And finally, none of this really matters for the purposes of proof of brain being preferable to paid votes. As long as stakeholders reach a consensus on payouts which align with value added to Steem then the system works. Whales have at least as much incentive to support that sort of alignment as anyone else. The people who don't have this incentive are vote sellers and self-voters who make more personally by undermining the system for everyone else.

It is good to fight abuse in all possible ways! Anyway, it will not stop there. Downvotes will take their independent purposes and we'll see where that goes. Especially considering automated downvote bots.

My organic range is so small, you could automatically silence how many accounts of my size, just with your free downvotes? Let's say if I'd posted every other day once, what would be the number?

and if you think I'm talking out of the blue, you might be a bit wrong at least.

I can't play NC anymore, because attacks are too cheap. It's Vietnam all over the the very same week that HF21/22 implements free downvotes and systematically downvoting just starts. Trust me, it's scary for small members of the community.

You might wanna check out my latest post about that:

This is the result of adding my name into an automated system and then forgetting about it. So I'll leave NC behind and I would have to do the same with STEEM if my name would end up in a downvote list.
20190905 23_55_14Missions.png

I don't know anything about nextcolony but if you don't mind how about a brief intro and tell me why you can't play it any more and what if anything that has to do with HF21/22. Thanks.

The attacks just burn my earnings, so I can't progress anymore. They are made by an automated attack bot, and I can't dodge them efficiently. My fault at this point is, that I'm too small to fight that guy and now I will never ever be big enough.

The same could happen with all my author earning if I'd end up on a downvote list. Also, just a single person could be enough.