It seems the intent is right to increase the curators as it is much easier to join, curate and not have the pressure to author.
What they seem to be missing the boat on is that the awesome content we already have is because of the author rewards. Why deflate your strength in order to promote growth in a weaker area not even knowing that this will work? I don't flatten 3 tires on my car to even it out with a low one. I pump up the low one.
I do feel like a dog barking at the mailman though. He is just going to deliver the package anyhow.
Great to hear from you on #pypt!
hey! good to hear you too!!!
i don't think anyone is missing any boat ;) i think all is known. but tricksy rhetoric is being played to the masses who don't know any better.
and the low tire analogy - freaking brilliant.
and we are all dogs barking at the mailman. i supposed it is life. LOL the money makers will always make their money. one way or the other. theyre getting that money LOL
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