Thank you for your answers!
Intro posts that don't have mentions of pets or pictures of the writer tend to get less attention. And that's a bit sad for those who do not want to publish their photo or don't see the point in telling about family, work, school or any personal info.
I think it's nice to chat about pets and ordinary stuff, but what really is more interesting is what each one of us have inside our heads. Thoughts. And of course that eye catcher: photo.
But fortunately you can shine after introduction post so all was not lost. :)
I thinks as there are less people now for various reasons, it is easier to get attention. Which is a good thing!
A few more project introduction pages
I noticed that too. Not necessarily a bad thing.
It's the only social site that I can bare to spend time
Same thing here.
the spammers have returned
They always eventually find ways to spam some.